Age is not important in relationship

You're too important to just... die.

Class is more important than a game.

It's an important fact of life, war.

I am more important than my problems.

The work is the most important thing.

Everyone's work is equally important.

Impact is more important than method.

What's important is self-appreciation

Values are more important than money.

I was too important to go to Vietnam.

The important thing is to keep trying

I think escapism is really important.

Passion makes every detail important.

It's always important to be yourself.

Family time is really important to me.

Failure is our most important product.

Dignity is more important than wealth.

The photo is the most important thing.

It's important to give back to people.

People are more important than things.

What was said before is not important.

The values of life are most important.

Emerging markets are hugely important.

Every moment of our life is important.

My name is more important than myself.

Beauty is less important than quality.

I'm a dad and that's pretty important.

Happiness is the most important thing.

Passion is more important than justice.

Being a parent is very important to me.

Skill is less important than awareness.

The urgent can drown out the important.

Everything truly important is washable.

Creativity is as important as literacy.

Reading is more important than writing.

Is the cinema more important than life?

Knowledge is more important than space.

My most important title is Mom in Chief

CAN is 100 times more important than IQ

Material things aren't important to me.

The most important thing is the script.

It's real important to enjoy your turn.

A fop sometimes gives important advice.

Death is a very important part of life.

Acting's fun, but life's more important

I can only strive for what is important

Don`t make unimportant things important

It is important for me to feel at home.

The important things are always simple.

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