I sell escapism.

Escapism is survival to me.

Music can be a source of escapism.

Jimi Hendrix's music was escapism.

I think escapism is really important.

Sport is escapism. Sport is a release.

Music is escapism, it's entertainment.

My books are just pure escapism for kids.

Acting has always been such escapism for me.

The only people who hate escapism are jailers.

People love escapism and there should be a place for it.

Our society's need for escapism has always interested me.

That idea of escapism... these words could sum up my life.

Bond was escapism, but not meant to be imitated in real life.

Entertainment is needed, and so I do think escapism is needed.

Escapism for me can come in the form of someone else's reality.

The whole idea of escapism really resonates with a lot of kids.

Without its roots in reality, I don't think escapism can survive.

Perhaps fantasy offers imaginative escapism more than other genres.

Fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of imprisonment.

Entertainment and escapism - those are the bigger money-making films today.

People talk-- they sneer at escapism. Well, there are those of us who need it.

Escapism- that's what I like. I'm not so crazy about the reality of everything.

It's a crazy world, so sports and athletics and music can be a form of escapism.

People talk about escapism as though it's something nasty but escapism is wonderful!

People often ask me if fantasy is about escapism, and I personally don't think it is.

I do like escapism. I like going to the movies on a Friday night and seeing something fun.

All I listened to until age 18 growing up was musical theater. I liked the escapism of it.

I think we love the escapism of something like 'Cinderella,' and I think we do with 'Thor.'

It's all about escapism. That's essentially what all movies are about. It's a vicarious thrill.

I lived in those old movie houses as a kid. I just loved them. What total escapism for someone.

In real life, I'm polite and nice all the time. It's fun to play people who aren't. It's escapism.

I've loved the escapism of being another person, slipping into another character for a little while.

Born And Bred' is pure escapism, and where we film is one of the most beautiful places in the country.

I love all that kind of gothic Bram Stoker kind of thing. I love to get lost in that kind of escapism.

But to me, 'Worlds' is meant as kind of an appreciation of fiction and stories and escapism and fantasy.

People want to be entertained when they watch dramas. 'Mistresses' has a mixture of escapism and reality.

Even though music is something I travel around doing, it is also a very private thing. A sort of escapism.

No one sets out to write escapism as a film's subject matter unless, maybe, you are making a fantasy flick.

Escapism makes a lot of intuitive sense - whisk people away from their cares with stories of a better life.

For me books have always been an incredibly solid part of my life, both as escapism and simply as resource.

A great book provides escapism for me. The artistry and the creativity in a story are better than any drugs.

All music is escapism for me, but I like the way that, on a good night, that sense of escapism can be shared.

I think people are interested in celebrities because it's easy, disposable entertainment and it's fun escapism.

People who read on holiday always have a better time because it's total escapism, both physically and mentally.

I grew up very much in a sporting background. I always wanted to be an actor, but my escapism always came in sports.

Maybe it was escapism, but I had become obsessed with going to remote locations and keeping myself behind the camera.

Top Gear' is for the whole family, regardless of gender, sitting down together to enjoy some slightly silly escapism.

You know, going to the movies has always been recession-proof. It's fairly cheap entertainment; it's classic escapism.

Escapism or nostalgia, for me, is not about having a terrible life and trying to get away via imaginary ideas or something.

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