Every heart that has beat strongly and cheerfully has left a hopeful ...

Every heart that has beat strongly and cheerfully has left a hopeful impulse behind it in the world, and bettered the tradition of mankind.

I have a suicide impulse.

There is no shame in impulse.

Never resist a generous impulse.

A first impulse was never a crime.

Revision is a good impulse to have.

Malice remains its animating impulse.

Everyone has the impulse to be elite.

Planning is not my friend. Impulse is.

Impulses are hard to come by these days.

Death is not an end. It is a new impulse.

Time is your friend; impulse is your enemy.

I act on impulse and I go with my instincts.

You don't pick up cues, you pick up impulses.

Cruel impulses stir all about my kindly heart.

Every impulse we strangle will only poison us.

If you have an impulse to kindness, act on it.

What persons are by starts they are by nature.

Man governs himself more by impulse than reason

I've always had this impulse to be destructive.

Let the first impulse pass, wait for the second.

If I like it, I'll buy it; pure impulse shopping.

I don't think of sex as a self-destructive impulse.

What is now an act of reason, was but blind impulse.

What is now reason was formerly impulse or instinct.

I'm a big believer that media is an impulse business.

Somewhere between obsession and compulsion is impulse.

Led on by impulse, and blind and ungovernable desires.

I need to protect myself from my own addictive impulse.

Creativity is the evolutionary impulse in the Universe.

The impulse for personal adornment is hard to stamp out.

I believe that poetry is a primal impulse within us all.

When the opportunity is there, when the impulse is there

I'm an impulse buyer. I don't really go out with a list.

I have a slight contrarian impulse I can't seem to shake.

Good impulses are naught, unless they become good actions.

It is well to be alone. It fertilizes the creative impulse.

The aim of yoga is to calm the chaos of conflicting impulses.

Character is the impulse reined down into steady continuance.

All the best human impulses can be traced back to adolescence.

Often, when I want to consult my impulses, I cannot find them.

Love is not a mere impulse, it must contain truth, which is law.

It is a youthful failing to be unable to control one's impulses.

One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.

I let my narrative embroidering impulses take over in prose poems.

The primary use of conversation is to satisfy the impulse to talk.

My initial impulse was to be an entertainer, a song and dance man.

There are two impulses in theatre: to be frivolous or to make rules.

To no form of religion is woman indebted for one impulse of freedom.

Trust your instincts. If you have no instincts, trust your impulses.

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