I'm obsessed with books.

'Obsession' has a bad rap.

Any obsession is dangerous.

Obsessions turn people off.

I have to work, for my soul.

I have an obsession for quality.

Obsession is a young man’s game.

Dancing is my obsession. My life.

I'm really obsessed with the past.

Success in life is about obsession

You're an addiction...my obsession.

Without obsession, life is nothing.

... obsessions are always dangerous.

Women have this obsession with shoes.

another word for talent is obsession.

I don't understand people's obsessions.

I think life's an irrational obsession.

Cure for an obsession: get another one.

My New Obsession... is YOUR DESTRUCTION!!

I was obsessed with being rich and famous.

I've always had an obsession with rackets.

The microscopic world became my obsession.

Obsession is beautiful. It's what makes art.

Determination could easily become obsession.

I have always had an obsession with candles.

No one changes the world who isn't obsessed.

love is like Someone is camping in your head

Obsession with self is the motif of our time.

Writing is putting one's obsessions in order.

I have an obsession with details and pattern.

You've got to get obsessed and stay obsessed.

As a kid, I always was obsessed with Houdini.

I only have one obsession - not to be boring.

I will be my undoing If I become my obsession.

The West remains obsessed by the caste system.

I happen to have an obsession with Korean food.

The cypresses are always occupying my thoughts.

An artist without obsession isn't worth a damn!

The form is always the measure of the obsession.

I think the obsession with fair skin should end.

I have this ongoing obsession with Meryl Streep.

Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.

The subject of an outsider who becomes obsessed.

Follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.

I have a kind of unhealthy obsession with movies.

'Pompeii' is kind of a lifelong obsession for me.

In our culture, security has become an obsession.

He who is obsessed by death is made guilty by it.

In my work, I explore my own Catholic obsessions.

I have this obsession with really cool, old books.

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