I believe in a passion for inclusion.

When everyone is included, everyone wins.

Government should be a model of inclusion.

Jesus is all about inclusion not exclusion.

Marriage is a language of love, equality, and inclusion.

I have an unwavering commitment to inclusion and diversity.

The exclusion of God automatically means the inclusion of evil.

Business is about belonging which means inclusion is the new black.

We have the Internet of Everything but not the inclusion of everyone.

Diversity and inclusion are always something industries should strive for.

America works best when we work together to expand the circle of inclusion.

Under popular culture's obsession with a naive inclusion, everything is O.K.

I'd like to see David Letterman adopt the inclusion rider on his Netflix show.

Women's inclusion in the economy is one of the most important issues in Israel.

I am unapologetic about the need for social change, greater inclusion, and equity.

I am a secular man who believes in inclusion, so balance comes across organically.

To me, beauty is inclusion - every size, every color - that's the world I live in.

LGBTQIA inclusion in media, especially TV and film, is not just important, it's essential.

I want to create resolution and inclusion, so I created Black Santa because his eyes see no color.

In order to have a meaningful impact, companies should value diversity and inclusion from Day One.

We are at a time in our country's history that inclusive language is better than exclusive language.

The Olympics is all about inclusion, coming together for sport. That's the footprint I want to leave.

I think that the Kehinde Wiley brand is something that I'm working towards expanding and to inclusion.

I think that the message of inclusion is something a lot of people believe in and want to see succeed.

You have a responsibility to make inclusion a daily thought, so we can get rid of the word 'inclusion.'

Inclusion and transparency have been mainstays of my leadership. It's about education and reaching out.

Helping to open up the conversation about inclusion and diversity in casting has been a dream come true.

Diversity and inclusion, which are the real grounds for creativity, must remain at the center of what we do.

I think that overall, the position - on a whole host of issues - should always be toward inclusion and equality.

I'm very passionate about music and was excited to see that the majority of readers loved the inclusion of lyrics.

I think that is something that I always like in my work - the sense of inclusion rather than the sense of otherness.

When you do learn these things, when you understand what inclusion is, then we can accomplish greater things together.

You have to stick up for what you believe in. And that, to me, is the biggest thing you can do about driving inclusion.

As a society, we've learned that we're all better off when everyone is included in the opportunities of this great nation.

Nurturing an inclusive culture begins in the family. Home is the first place to foster openness and a culture of inclusion.

Technically a memoir, 'The Woman Warrior' becomes almost magical through its inclusion of folk tales, dreams, and revisions.

Intersectionality has given many advocates a way to frame their circumstances and to fight for their visibility and inclusion.

Discipline and unconditional support is earned by understanding and trust and inclusion. Not by isolation, not by nasty tricks.

Canada is the only country in the West that hasn't given in to the rhetoric of fear. The dominant rhetoric is a line of inclusion.

Bottom line - American history tells us that where there is a will, there will always be a way to achieve quick and fast inclusion.

Terrain has seen a strong uptick in brand awareness and direct-to-consumer traffic from their inclusion in the Anthropologie Group.

It's when we care for each other - choosing inclusion and love over division and hatred - that this great country is at its greatest.

Tolerance, diversity, and inclusion are not political opinions. They are non-negotiable human rights - hard fought and secured in America.

As African Americans, we always have to fight for inclusion, despite your moral background: Christian, Muslim, Jewish - it doesn't matter.

Our commitment to integrity, our commitment to diversity and inclusion, to respecting our teammates - that's what makes this business work.

It's all too common that when we talk about diversity and inclusion, and gender equity in the workplace, it translates to just white women.

It's been really special being part of a project that's up with the times and woke and setting a precedent for inclusion and representation.

Let us not act out of fear and misunderstanding, but out of the values of inclusion, diversity, and regard for all that make our country great.

I am so excited that society is taking so much interest in the disability sector and our belief in inclusion is getting so much media coverage.

I have known Tiffany R. Warren for many years, and we have always shared the goal to promote diversity and inclusion in the creative industries.

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