It's simply incorrect to call Dr. King a Republican.

I would say Politically Incorrect is my favourite right now.

If you want a politically incorrect conservative, that's me.

My favourite game is Postal because it is so politically incorrect.

If my mom reads that I'm grammatically incorrect I'll have hell to pay.

It's not politically incorrect to say you're Republican or conservative.

It is easier to write an incorrect program than understand a correct one.

Have I been wiretapped? Yes. But who they said wiretapped me was incorrect.

It's nice to have the power of Twitter to correct things that were incorrect.

There's a correct way to succeed. The incorrect way is to do things incorrectly.

I get angry when I think that people are blatantly incorrect on matters of fact.

I do admit there have been times when I have made a statement that was incorrect.

The idea that education will lead to a lessening of bigotry is just factually incorrect.

They tell me I'm on 'Politically Incorrect' with Ollie North. That should be a lot of fun.

I've said some things about other religions that I regret now. I think they were incorrect.

I know it's politically incorrect but I enjoy things like the kick boxing and cock fighting.

If you truly believe something, and it's incorrect, that doesn't mean you don't have integrity.

Where we have been incorrect in what we have done, then I think we have an obligation to settle.

I think that to explore the uncomfortable and the politically incorrect is the job of the artist.

To say martial arts, or the combative form - mixed martial arts - is not an art form is incorrect.

As a player, it's better to wait a moment for the correct call than be let down by an incorrect call.

Sometimes, I feel the reason I have become a star beyond my films is that I am politically incorrect.

I have always stayed away from works that objectify women or is misogynistic or politically incorrect.

Occasionally, Donald Trump says something that is politically incorrect but which also happens to be true.

Well, just being stupid and politically incorrect doesn't work. You can be politically incorrect if you're smart.

It is always incorrect to assume you can know what someone's moral convictions are based on their philosophical theories.

Glacial pace is actually an incorrect concept. The glaciers move a lot faster and they react a lot faster than people imagine.

I've never had a haircut where I've gone to a hair cutting place and they gave me an incorrect haircut. So I've been pretty lucky.

I think women are taught in the music industry that once you're 35, you've expired, and I'm here to prove that factually incorrect.

I have heard that my Wikipedia entry is completely incorrect, but then again, so is everyone else's. I haven't bothered about that.

I've always been surprised at the number of people who think we've got it all figured out. It's incorrect, and it's a real problem.

We must give Trump credit for asking many politically incorrect questions and challenging mainstream Republican dogma on immigration.

I'm concerned that boys have become politically incorrect, that we are a society in the process of turning against its male children.

Even before V. P. Singh was shifted, the media was creating an impression that he was facing difficulties. This was totally incorrect.

You have trouble breastfeeding, and for some reason, it's supposed to be so organic that you feel like you're doing something incorrect.

The Internet has turned the world into one gigantic linked community, capable of instantly sharing vast amounts of incorrect information.

We Americans love to cite the 'political spectrum' as the best way to classify ideologies. The metaphor is incorrect: it implies symmetry.

The actual Blue Rose murders, which lie at the core of the three novels, yield various incorrect solutions which assume the status of truth.

To say that I wanted to become the captain is entirely incorrect. When Dhoni became captain and I played under him, we won the T20 World Cup.

It's incorrect to assume you can be a fashion editor because you blog, if you don't have experience to look at fashion in a professional way.

It's funny, because I'm a man of strong opinions and when I make one, I stand by it even if it starts to appear incorrect to me after a while.

I'm politically incorrect. I don't get into politics like that. I speak about what I know and what effects me personally, and effects my folks.

There's no getting around it - I am a politically incorrect, racially insensitive, culturally controversial comic, but at least I'm self-aware.

Nothing can be more incorrect than the assumption one sometimes meets with, that physics has one method, chemistry another, and biology a third.

Even during 'Udta Punjab,' I didn't say much until the film was out. I feel it's incorrect to talk about a film until everything falls into place.

I wish I could be on 'Politically Incorrect.' Because Bill Maher basically dismisses teenagers, and I think I could give my generation a good name.

It's probably incorrect to say that Islam is 'a religion of peace,' as some politicians like to say. Overstatements like that don't clarify anything.

I mean, people who say that the Tea Party isn't a grassroots movement, I think, are incorrect. I think in some respects, it is a grassroots movement.

There's still a lot of Americans who think that those who perpetrated the attacks on 9/11 came from Canada, which is absolutely and totally incorrect.

It's incorrect to think of bacteria as these asocial, single cells. They are individual cells, but they act in communities, exactly the way people do.

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