Of all the medicines In the inner life, A smile is by far The best ...

Of all the medicines In the inner life, A smile is by far The best medecine.

Inner life is Divine.

Reading civilized the inner life.

I don't draw on my inner life in my work.

That which is easy is bad for your inner life.

Infinite sharing is the law of God s inner life.

No one can be an artist without a rich inner life.

Images adorn our inner life and carry great power there.

The genius of religions is that they structure the inner life.

Nothing reveals more about the inner life of a people than their arts.

I do not like comparisons that much. Each team has its own inner life.

I want to keep an inner life alive and, with luck, somebody else's, too.

If poetry and the arts do anything, they can fortify your inner life, your inwardness.

I wanted to live the inner life of every man I saw, look at the world through his eyes.

Self-confidence comes naturally when your inner life and your outer life are in harmony.

Only in quietness do we possess our own minds and discover the resources of the Inner Life.

The inner life must overcome the flesh or the flesh will overcome and destroy the inner life.

If the inner life of our fashionable women were known, how few would deserve the title of lady!

Sexual acts are one of the primary means by which we can act out our inarticulated inner lives.

I started acting because it was essentially the way I needed to survive and equalize my inner life.

I think you need a concrete, real-world metaphor to talk about inner life without feeling like a jerk.

If you have a good inner life, you don't get lonely. I've got a good imagination. I don't miss romance.

It is a miracle of harmony, of the adaptation of the free inner life to the outward necessity of things.

As we unfold spiritually, the reality of our inner life enters new dimensions and we must change with it.

Joshua chose the simple life ... because it gave him the freedom to expand the breadth of his inner life.

Everything about art has become problematic; its inner life, its relation to society, even its right to exist.

The inner life of any great thing will be incomprehensible to me until I develop and deepen an inner life of my own.

The literature of the inner life is very largely a record of struggle with the inordinate passions of the social self.

Poetry seems especially like nothing else so much as itself. Poetry is not like, it is the very lining of the inner life.

If your inner life is not producing what you would like on the outside, don't be discouraged... just be willing to change.

After all it is those who have a deep and real inner life who are best able to deal with the irritating details of outer life.

When a character has so many secrets and so much inner life, it's a joy to play those characters because you can use your craft.

Today, the degradation of the inner life is symbolized by the fact that the only place sacred from interruption is the private toilet.

And no book gives a deeper insight into the inner life of the Negro, his struggles and his aspirations, than, The Souls of Black Folk.

If you want to paint the inner life, you paint it from the exterior. From the exterior, you breathe the inner life into your painting.

Great art is the outward expression of an inner life in the artist, and this inner life will result in his personal vision of the world.

For me, what is important is to bring the inner life of these characters - their strengths, contradictions, anguish and triumph - alive.

The home is the center of your soul; it's a total reflection of your inner life. If you have a dreary home, it means you are dark inside.

The only knowledge which satisfies us is one which is subject to no external standards but springs from the inner life of the personality.

I think for everyone it's good to have your own personal work on a character and a film before you even start rehearsing, to have an inner life.

For me, 'Pariah' is very much about that inner churn. It's about this person's emotional inner life, and that's really what I wanted to bring to 'Bessie.'

The gift of writing is to be self-forgetful, to get a surge of inner life or inner supply or unexpected sense of empowerment, to be afloat, to be out of yourself.

You could say that it's in talking movies that inner life begins to appear. You can see things happen to the faces of people that were neither planned nor rehearsed.

If you can understand the inner life, then you can wear the uniform, the tattoos, or whatnot and realize that the things that are different about us become superficial.

I had a very active inner life as a kid. There's a good album or two worth of stuff that I can bring out on a rainy day if I have a loss for inspiration or whatever - even now.

I was raised by a single psychologist mother and we spent every evening sitting at the kitchen table and dissecting our emotions and speculating about the inner life of everyone we knew.

Like everything genuine, its inner life guarantees its truth. All works of art created by truthful minds without regard for the work's conventional exterior remain genuine for all times.

The man who can articulate the movements of his inner life need no longer be a victim of himself, but is able slowly and consistently to remove the obstacles that prevent the spirit from entering.

Some statements concern the conscious states of the animal, what he is to himself as an inner life; others concern his original and acquired ways of response, his behavior, what he is an outside observer.

We are not born all at once, but by bits. The body first, and the spirit later; and the birth and growth of the spirit, in those who are attentive to their own inner life, are slow and exceedingly painful.

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