Heartless praise is not praise at all. It is worthless and an insult to God.

You are wonderful, Father.""I'm more than wonderful, how dare you insult me.

Thou art a boil, a plague sore, an embossed carbuncle in my corrupted blood.

I am worn out by the insults and vexations that this work brings down on us.

If there's anyone still present whom I've failed to insult . . . I apologize.

If you make an ass out of yourself, there will always be someone to ride you.

I'm not going to stop torturing myself till I figure out the cause of my pain.

To say accounting for derivatives is Americais a sewer is an insult to sewage.

The worst insult I can inflict on life is that I do not reflect on its meaning.

If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an insult than religion.

I'm not myself religious but have no wish to insult or denigrate those who are.

India is still flinching from a cultural insult, still looking for its identity.

Insult is powerful. Insult begets both rage and humor and often at the same time.

Don't insult me today just because I'm poor, you don't know what my future holds!

You know how only you can insult your own family? That's how I feel about Florida.

And each blasphemer quite escape the rod, Because the insult's not on man, but God?

The ignorant Insults of Individuals will not hinder me from doing my duty to my Art

I like Frenchmen very much, because even when they insult you they do it so nicely.

I'd love to ask how old you are, but unfortunately I know you can't count that high.

I had to give it him, to flatter and insult a woman in one propostition took talent.

Never spit in front of women and children, and never insult the great state of Texas.

Whoever insults the message of Mohammed is going to be subject to capital punishment.

You can't provoke, you can't insult the faith of others, you can't make fun of faith.

He's a real gentleman. I bet he takes the dishes out of the sink before he pees in it.

If our faith delivers us from worry, then worry is an insult flung in the face of God.

Hour after hour, they shouted at me, accused me, insulted me and members of my family.

Every day, women move mountains. It is an insult to have an international women's day.

Nearly every lawsuit is an insult to the intelligence of both plaintiff and defendant.

They call me a right-winger, which is an insult - I'm simply a racist and a separatist.

To refuse to accept the call of your best life is to insult the force that created you.

If you lend someone 20 dollars and never see that person again, it's probably worth it.

The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization.

Producing satire is kind of hopeless because of the literacy rate of the American public.

One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people's faith, one cannot make fun of faith.

I'm going to get drunk and insult as many musicians from the 80's as is humanly possible.

I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.

I used to be an insult comic, and I didn't end up liking the way that I felt about myself.

You know, it's such an insult to actual martial artists that I say that I do martial arts.

It takes a million compliments to build you up and one insult to send it all crashing down.

Telling or encouraging people to vote for a party would be an insult to peoples' intellect.

She's pretty." (It's amazing how girls can say this and make it the most withering insult.)

Sometimes I think I might insult people by being openly flirtatious, then snatching it back.

Books are like sapphires; they must be polished - polished! or else you insult your readers.

I've always wanted to be - I know people think this is an insult - but a jack of all trades.

It is a virtue and a prize to listen patiently to and put up with insults for the sake of God

How rarely can happiness be really innocent and not triumphant, not an insult to the deprived.

When I was a kid, it was a huge insult to be a geek. Now it's a point of pride in a weird way.

I usually do drive-by insults, and keep moving until I realize the next day how horrible I am.

Insult comedy has been around forever. I can make fun of people, and they won't get mad at me.

A consumer is not a moron. She's your wife. Don't insult her intelligence, and don't shock her.

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