Nature formed me fierce.

Intensity builds immensity

Be reckless in your intensities.

Sustained intensity equals ecstacy.

Intensity is the price of excellence.

You double your intensity with skill.

Length is usually intensity. Not time.

The bow always strung ... will not do.

Too much intensity can be a bad thing.

One intense hour is worth a dreamy day.

Old Korn records had so much intensity.

Without complexity, there's no intensity.

Intensity is all that matters in painting.

I'm an obsessive person. I like intensity.

The excellence of every Art is its intensity.

I always liked the intensity of the recording.

People happy in love have an air of intensity.

I have lived my whole life with high intensity.

A flame burns brightest just before it goes out.

Intensity is so much more becoming in the young.

My existence went up about 12 levels of intensity.

Learning is a matter of intensity not elapsed time.

The intensity of 'Arjun Reddy' was too much for me.

I think intensity is one thing, and gore is another.

Flamenco is dark - it's about tragedy and intensity.

It's a relaxed intensity I've got to live my life in.

It's the playoffs; you have to pick up the intensity.

Fear gives you your intensity, it gives you your game.

the higher the flame shoots the quicker it blacks out.

When works get too intellectual, they lose their intensity.

She was saved from prettiness by the intensity of her gaze.

When working out, length is not a substitute for intensity.

I'm terrified of passive acquiescence. I live in intensity.

Intensity makes you stronger. Emotionalism makes you weaker.

In art there is no progress, only fluctuations of intensity.

Passionate intensity may serve as a substitute for confidence.

The intensity and speed of the ball on turf are very different.

Fine friendship requires duration rather than fitful intensity.

The greater the emotional intensity, the greater the simplicity.

Truth depends upon the intensity of imagination, not upon facts.

The Premier League has a lot of intensity, a lot of physicality.

Greatness is the willingness to choose in the midst of intensity.

In poetry, everything can be faked but the intensity of utterance.

I can no longer work outside because of the intensity of the light.

Intellect is a magnitude of intensity, not a magnitude of extensity.

I play with a lot of intensity, and I'm quite strong in man-marking.

Life is always difficult in proportion to its intensity and reality.

Intelligence in chains loses in lucidity what it gains in intensity.

You must bring a white-hot level of intensity and focus to your work.

My intensity is my greatest strength. It's also my greatest weakness.

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