I'm a very passive investor.

I'm primarily just an investor.

I myself am a private equity investor.

We're getting hurt, but I'm a long-term investor.

As an investor, I'm always scouting for new trends.

Guys like me on the investor side are a dime a dozen.

Never put the investor in the ultimate position of power.

I never made up any investor. I never made up Paul Abrams.

The investor of today does not profit from yesterday's growth.

I was an investor doing well and decided to be an entrepreneur.

To be a good investor, you have to think differently from others.

I'm a very active angel investor in a number of different companies.

Anyone with a pension or retirement is an investor in the stock market.

I am probably the biggest equity investor in the history of modern Russia.

We like to be the largest outside investor, and the first outside investor.

Before any investor goes into any country, he is looking for the exit door.

If you are going to be a great investor, you have to fit the style to who you are.

I'm an investor in a lot of things that have to do with human-computer interaction.

An investor doesn't have a prayer of picking a manager that can deliver true alpha.

GV remains an enthusiastic investor, and Google will continue to partner with Uber.

I believe in the future, and to be a good investor, you have to believe in the future.

Both from the standpoint of stocks and bonds, an investor wants to go where the growth is.

My obligation is to disclose companies in which I'm an officer, a director, or an investor.

Investor confidence in Adani is fairly high, and most of our investors are long-term investors.

The investor knows quite well that we don't have anymore the widespread terrorism here in Peru.

Nothing turns off an investor more than when an entrepreneur comes in with a ridiculous valuation.

Your job as a smart investor is to separate the facts and the news from the fiction and the noise.

For investor confidence, it is important that there is certainty about the future of Ireland in E.U.

I have a long history of looking at things from an investor's perspective by training and background.

We definitely stand behind Theranos in the sense of, we are an investor, and we want them to succeed.

I like putting my money into things like food and shelter. I'm probably a bad example of an investor.

An active investor is someone who actually lives off their investments as opposed to wages from a job.

South Africa's increasingly, for example, the largest foreign investor in various other parts of Africa.

The average investor's return is significantly lower than market indices due primarily to market timing.

I'd been a great angel investor, but professional venture capital was clearly not the right thing for me.

As with the Pacific Gateway, Canadians were similarly hoodwinked by the Immigrant Investor Program (IIP).

I'm such a long-term investor, I've never really let go and celebrated what I did with the Hubble telescope.

What most entrepreneurs don't understand is that it isn't the economy that bursts a bubble, but investor psychology.

In my experience, there are only two valid reasons to take a company public: access to growth capital and investor fatigue.

With 'posts' running in the millions, Internet message boards have become an essential part of the savvy investor's arsenal.

The average investor does significantly worse than a simple index... It's literally because of the way our brains are wired.

If someone who's passed on your company as an investor offers you to make introductions, that's kryptonite. Don't touch that.

I'm a pretty disciplined investor and pretty disciplined buyer. I do my due diligence. I do my homework. I don't waste money.

Having an investor on your board of directors who is naive about public markets or finds them complex or scary is non-optimal.

I'm not an investor in Meerkat, sadly, or, Periscope - I missed both of those - however, I do have a lot of inside information.

It all comes down to interest rates. As an investor, all you're doing is putting up a lump-sump payment for a future cash flow.

Active management leads to lots of poor investor behavior. It sends people chasing after whoever has the hot hand at the moment.

When you're facing an investor or the institutions or a distributor, it's you yourself with your own ideas and your own project.

As an investor, I'm always looking for the next great American company. Who will create tomorrow's Twitter, Facebook, or Google?

I myself am also a small investor in Slack, and one can count four to five IM platforms that were launched by Skype alumni alone.

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