I like the outdoors and the natural world. Environmental issues.

Every issue, the characters and I duke it out. They usually win.

The first thing anyone can do, about any issue, is get informed.

What seems tragic now won't even be an issue in a few years time.

I always try to attack the most honest issues I can in my comedy.

To get audiences to go see a film is a completely separate issue.

Should National Security Issues be decided by a Local Referendum?

I might live miles away from you, but I do understand you issues.

Franklin Roosevelt was very concerned about environmental issues.

I will challenge anybody with regard to my record on LGBT issues.

You really have got lots of issues! Yeah, of 'What Car Magazine'!

People who disagree on important issues don't agree on the facts.

A lot of the issues that I see, it is not an either-or situation.

When you are making an independent film, money is never an issue.

[It is] one of the most complex and emotional issues of out time.

I think Donald Trump is at his best when he sticks to the issues.

Michael Tomlinson's music truly explores the issues of the heart.

We don't want to bury our heads in the sand about serious issues.

I don't think there is a single social issue I haven't spoken on.

Only the Republican Party cares about the issues that concern me.

There is not an issue that a woman cannot bring a perspective to.

The issue of climate change is one that we ignore at our own peril

The heart in us is deeper than any emotion or psychological issue.

I think I like big issues, but I don't believe in God or religion.

I would be the best for women, the best for women's health issues.

I'm involved in issues, and issues are about grass-roots politics.

History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors and issues.

We will see how the issue will turn out when they come to Baghdad.

We must not forget that the issues of Eternity are settled in Time.

We've always had issues up for discussion at Catholic universities.

I liked it when we had ugly politicians who droned on about issues.

I feel its important to talk about the complex issues affecting us.

I think with chess as with everything, marketing is the main issue.

Civil confusions often spring from trifles but decide great issues.

On issues relating to taxes, you don't always speak with one voice.

The lack of a delete button on the internet is a significant issue.

People in Slow Food understand that food is an environmental issue.

I'm pretty equal opportunity when it comes to issues to joke about.

Secret families are really the bedrock issue of Western literature.

Nobody is talking about the different - until you raised the issue.

The issue isn't just jobs. Even slaves had jobs. The issue is wages.

What animates me in politics are the economic issues of opportunity.

Profundity often goes past the issue to some deep but useless truth.

We think of immigration as a Western issue but, of course, it isn't.

There is a need to spread more awareness about environmental issues.

It is pretty hard to find the right result to a controversial issue.

I like to keep my issues drawn, it's always darkest before the dawn.

I prefer to stay on the important issues facing the American people.

It's two people that are in love with one another. What's the issue?

When writing about transcendental issues, be transcendentally clear.

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