The most difficult object in painting is yourself because you're always at issue

Most people see no reason to stop arguing just because an issue has been decided.

My petal. Westminster’s toy had tea issues. Thank Biffy and Lyall. Toodle pip. A.

On the issue of evolution, the verdict is still out on how God created the Earth.

I would argue that the issue of God and the issue of science have the same roots.

I'm passionate about the issues that I care about and I'm a really good listener.

My works are the issue of simple and plain experience which is the true mistress.

As long as it (an issue) remains invisible, it is guaranteed to remain insoluble.

No issue can be negotiated unless you first have the clout to compel negotiation.

Sanitation issues in the developing world affect women more than they affect men.

I'm going to save my public voice largely for the issues where I have some depth.

I don't watch TV. I think that tends to polarize us and diminish important issues.

If you don't understand history, you will not be able to deal with today's issues.

I don't really consider this a political issue, I consider it to be a moral issue.

Frankly, I’m suspicious of anyone who has a strong opinion on a complicated issue.

People in New York pay attention to national issues - a huge percentage of people.

The world is dealing with issues of immigration, deindustrialization, and poverty.

That's what Glocks are. High-precision killing machines that scream "Daddy Issues.

My personal cause and platform, if you like, is women's rights and women's issues.

The only issue cash presents you is the independence of not stressing about funds.

The bigger issue, was the whole takeover of the food industry by big corporations.

Well Connor thought ruefully At least now I know who to thank for my anger issues.

A prime minister has to keep a certain balance when dealing with sensitive issues.

My administration is committed to a leadership role on the issue of climate change.

I should focus on other important issues like people's livelihoods and the economy.

Global warming causing climate change may be the ultimate issue that unites us all.

It seems that elections today are more popularity than they are substantial issues.

The central issue of poetry as of politics is the destiny of the human personality.

You can't compare an apple to an orange. It will cause a lot of self-esteem issues.

Issues are important, yes, but issues come and go. America as an ideal is timeless.

The key issue when you're looking at cost cutting is to always plan for the future.

Job creation is important I think, but it's not the critical issue for Republicans.

Anyone who makes up their mind about an issue before they hear the issue is a fool.

Money issue looms so large in art now. And it has absolutely nothing to do with art.

I've spent my life navigating through sensitive issues. Not wanting to upset people.

We are not dealing with a scientific problem. We are dealing with a political issue.

One of the issues of social networking silos is that they have the data and I don't.

Food is one issue that cannot be solved person by person. We have to stand together.

I don't think roles help you resolve your issues. I just think they're good markers.

Of course I have got concerns. Donald Trump and I differ on a whole bunch of issues.

My thoughts, imprisoned in my secret woes, with flamy breaths do issue oft in sound.

Money is not an issue to me. My mother always tells me, money, it comes and it goes.

Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.

The question of the right to privacy must be one of the defining issues of our time.

This is why I hate white people. You guys try to turn everything into a racial issue.

I'm not a communist, a socialist or a radical. But these issues have to be addressed.

While I am reluctant to cite sexism as a political issue, sexism certainly can exist.

I think caring more about flags than people is an issue. I'd like to see that change.

I don't get to the global issues or anything like that. I am just trying to be silly.

What I do believe is theatre is a medium with a peculiar ability to air vital issues.

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