I can paint in jail.

Jail ain't for nobody.

I was in chemical jail.

I should still be in jail.

Only poor people go to jail.

All of North Korea is a jail.

Jail sucks all the way around.

I am not afraid to go to jail.

The streets will get you in jail.

I really don't like being in jail.

A lot of prophets have gone to jail.

Is all the world jails and churches?

I did my time in the jail of your arms

Jail was terrible. It was a nightmare.

It's awfully easy to be in love in jail

It's awfully easy to be in love in jail.

Term limits aren't enough. We need jail.

A lot of guys in jail tattoo their hands.

Jail is definitely not cool. Education is.

It is crazy to have Judith Miller in jail.

I really was in jail with Robert Downey Jr.

No one cares about you when you're in jail.

It is better to support schools than jails.

I am ready to rot in jail that art may live.

I think every person should go to jail once.

Send me to jail in 48 hours if I am corrupt.

The most powerful person can wind up in jail.

Be thine own palace, or the world's thy jail.

My occupation now, I suppose, is jail inmate.

I don't want want to go to jail, I'm fragile.

For digital natives, public schools are jails

Jail is much easier on people who have nothing.

There are more fakers in business than in jail.

The letters from jail are always disconcerting.

Means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek.

Going to jail is beyond what anyone thinks it is.

Boys need fathers, and you can't do that in jail.

People have died in jail that have been innocent.

You see, you can't put joblessness in a jail cell.

People who go to jail breed people who go to jail.

I was in jail, and I got signed three months later.

At nighttime, you just try to keep him out of jail.

My mom had put her house up to bail me out of jail!

A world without open country would be universal jail.

My parents got put into jail, both my mom and my dad.

If you seek violence, we will seek to put you in jail.

I've come out of a small jail and entered a bigger one.

If it's illegal to rock and roll, throw my ass in jail!

I don't wish jail on nobody, not even my worst enemies.

The other bands are just as bad, but we go to jail more.

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