I'm rap-game James Franco.

I could never be James Bond.

I'm a big James Baldwin fan.

James Spader is a good actor.

What I want to be is James Bond.

James Remar is a student of life.

The vampire is the new James Dean.

James McAvoy is not an action star.

I wouldn't want to be a James Bond.

Anyone can be James Dean for a day.

I was always a big James Franco fan.

I was a James Brown junkie as a kid.

I am a big devourer of James Baldwin.

I will be the first black James Bond.

I can be the best James Bond there is.

James Dean was always a tortured soul.

Maybe I can become the next James Bond.

I was LeBron James before LeBron James.

James Brown is the reason I play guitar.

Long story short: E. L. James is a hero.

I always thought of myself as James Bond.

I'm a huge fan of the 'James Bond' genre.

A James Bond movie is a stuntman's dream.

I want to be the LeBron James of baseball.

Mel Gibson would not be a good James Bond.

I love James Cameron. I love what he does.

I want to hear LeBron James's Uber stories.

James Brown hated me until the day he died.

My house is not James Bondish at all. Sorry.

I'd love to do a James Bond-y kind of villain!

Nobody impacts winning more than LeBron James.

James Comey is a corrupt, narcissistic weirdo.

I'm not James Dean. And no one else is, either.

And it's impossible for me to read Henry James.

I have an older brother who has autism - James.

I love James Baldwin's autobiographical writing.

Skip James, for me, is the meaning of the blues.

There are very few LeBron James and Kobe Bryants.

I think I'd make a good James Bond... I'm joking.

Everyone looks adorable singing with James Corden.

You can't hate James Brown! Who hates James Brown?

David James Elliott and I keep in touch via phone.

I'm old enough to remember seeing James Brown live.

Nobody thinks more of James Comey than James Comey.

I've never managed to get very far with Henry James.

I don't just wanna be James Franco's little brother.

Yeah, James Charles is narcissistic and sociopathic.

I write heavily under the influence of James Taylor.

What kid doesn't want to pretend they're James Bond?

I share a birthday with Max Beesley and James Nesbitt.

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