Likest thou jelly within thy doughnut?

Bicky rocked, like a jelly in a high wind.

I don't like peanut butter and jelly that much.

I make a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Work without fun is like peanut butter without jelly.

There are two things I like stiff and one of them's jelly.

I can't stand jelly shoes. They're ugly and not comfortable.

My earliest memory? Trying to use a red jelly bean as lipstick.

Because the sweeter the cake, the more bitter the jelly can be.

The best thing I can make is a peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich.

I actually stopped working out because I don't want to lose my jelly.

If I'm snacking, I'll go for peanut butter and jelly in between meals.

You can see from the curves that I'm not working out - it's just jelly!

Rick Santorum is so conservative; he thinks KY Jelly is jam made in Kentucky.

You were Marlon Brando, I was Steve McQueen, you were K.Y. Jelly, I was Vaseline.

I am certain that the good Lord never intended grapes to be made into grape jelly.

Always have something beautiful in sight, even if it's just a daisy in a jelly glass.

Why doesn't Prin go and get her own goddamn blistering bloody shitty jelly doughnuts?

I was sacked from Dunkin' Donuts for squirting the donuts jelly all over the customers.

Never set your stomach for a jelly-bread sandwich until you're sure there's some jelly!

Do you want to make a tamale with peanut butter and jelly? Go Ahead! Somebody will eat it.

You can spread jelly on the peanut butter but you can't spread peanut butter on the jelly.

Love can change us beyond recognition, we become love-sick, soft-eyed jelly-bellied fools.

I feel like I am too old to eat jelly. But I am too young to eat prunes. I am between grapes.

‎"Sarge, mr. Nurd here is threatening to turn me to jelly." "really?" said Sarge. "what flavor?

He (Gaylord Perry) should be in the Hall of Fame with a tube of KY jelly attached to his plaque.

When the jelly faced women all sneeze, hear the one with the mustache say I can't find my knees.

Everyone at school seems to go by a nickname. Kat, Frosty, Bronx, Boo Bear, Jelly Bean, Freckles.

He had a broad face and a little round belly, that shook, when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly.

When I get older, I don't think I'll like to have wrinkles, or a big jelly belly. I cannot have it.

Usually, about 2 hours before a game, I stuff in a nice peanut butter and jelly with chocolate milk.

I love jelly gummy lollies, liquorice, ice-cream and I eat my own ice-cream; I take it home from work.

Two things I have never done and never plan to do are catch Coronavirus or meet Jelly Nutella in person.

I use the petroleum jelly on my lips because they get very dry and it's truly the only thing that works.

To do a 75-minute movie about SpongeBob wanting to make some jellyfish jelly would be a mistake, I think.

If you read enough Lionel Fanthorpe, your brain starts to turn to jelly and just dribbles out of your ears.

Proximity to power has an unsurprising ability to mutate a politician's spinal cord into bright yellow jelly.

There's nothing better than good sex. But bad sex? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is better than bad sex.

When I was 16, I discovered jazzercise. And I thought it was the greatest thing since peanut butter and jelly.

When Braniff abandoned stripes, they wound up with a flying jelly bean and that's not a good feeling for passengers.

I can't eat at all when I get sad; all I want is soup and easy-to-swallow baby food and, of all things, jelly babies.

One has to secrete a jelly in which to slip quotations down people's throats - and one always secretes too much jelly.

I like my squishy, red, high-heeled Vivienne Westwood jelly shoes. They make you seem like you're much more of a go-er.

It is always allowable to ask for artichoke jelly with your boiled venison; however there are houses where this is not supplied.

I worship scones and danishes. If I never had another meal, I wouldn't care as long as I could eat pastries and jelly doughnuts.

I think I'm most nervous about revealing how nervous I have always been. People think me calm, confident, poised. Inside I'm a jelly.

For a movie - any movie - to work, all the bread has to fall jelly side up; everything has to go right. You have to hit the zeitgeist.

People think when you're moving in Zero-G, it's like moving in jelly. But it's not. You're completely free to move however fast as you want.

I grew up in the 90s, so Ive definitely resurrected many looks from my youth lately, including overalls, jelly shoes, and, of course, Doc Martens.

For the life of her, she couldn't understand how such an obstinate, boneheaded chauvinist could make her pulse race and her insides turn to jelly.

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