It's just fun just being a girl.

I was dissatisfied just being an actor.

I will say, just being here, God is good, man.

There is more to knowing than just being correct

My whole thing is just being a part of good music.

My approach is just being conscious of everything.

Just being a mother is making me a big, weepy mess.

The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.

When I perform, I'm just very much just being myself.

It's not enough just being a good passer of the ball.

Just being hired by a great director is complimentary.

Without any fight, just being a witness, mind disappears.

I've learned a lot just being able to see things clearer.

I'm very hard on the art world just being a big business.

It's not normal, what I do. Just being on television isn't.

Hotness is uniqueness and just being yourself - that's hot.

I don't think just being skinny means necessarily anorexic.

I love helping people; just being of service makes me happy!

Most people find just being themselves not enough of a show.

Just being the son of Billy Graham won't get me into heaven.

My goal beyond being an actor, is just being an open channel.

Just stop for a minute and you'll realize you're happy just being.

I love, love, love just being hands on at all times in the studio.

The real innovators did their innovating by just being themselves.

I'm just being the artist that I would have loved if I was a child.

I'm just being who I am and expressing myself as everyone else does.

Sometimes just being still is the best thing you can do for yourself.

It's not just being overweight that's dangerous. Stress is dangerous.

I prefer just being with people I like. That's my way of celebrating.

I think just being on 'One Tree Hill' has given me a lot of confidence.

I don't have an image that I'm trying to like portray. I'm just being me.

Don't move your money from Bear. That's just being silly. Don't be silly.

What makes me fully alive is anything. Really just being alive is enough.

He hadn't done anything. He hadn't needed to. Just being there was enough.

I think we all get too caught up in doing instead of just being sometimes.

I was both loved and hated for being upfront. But I was just being myself.

Songs are about just being totally honest and putting those words to music.

Actors don't act, we're just being in a different circumstance and scenario.

Just being in a room with myself is almost more stimulation than I can bear.

Just being a mediocre driver has never been my ambition. That's not my style.

We have to get back to the beauty of just being alive in this present moment.

Who doesn't want to go to the Emmys? But it ends up just being really boring.

Me just being myself in public or on TV is the biggest nightmare in the world.

The greatest gift you can give (yourself or anyone else) is just being present

Maybe you're not his type." Michael said "Oh, now you're just being insulting.

Just being sentient and in a body with the sun coming up is a state of rapture.

Music for me is not just being on a stage and singing. It's my coping mechanism.

I'm losing myself trying to compete with everyone else, instead of just being me.

There were a lot of teen stars that were very cookie-cutter... I'm just being me.

The danger of oppression is not just being oppressed, it's becoming an oppressor.

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