Scatter seeds of kindness.

Beauty lives with kindness.

One good turn asketh another.

Requite injury with kindness.

No act of kindness is wasted.

Live, let live, and help live

Be silly. Be honest. Be kind.

Real kindness seeks no return.

Everyone responds to kindness.

All people want to be touched.

Give, but give until it hurts.

Men are cruel, but Man is kind.

Kindness is always fashionable.

We are made kind by being kind.

Life is mostly froth and bubble

Kindness in giving creates love.

True kindness ennobles the giver

The essence of love is kindness.

Let us be kinder to one another.

I must be cruel, only to be kind.

Kindness gives birth to kindness.

In the end only kindness matters.

Err in the direction of kindness.

There is no small act of kindness.

Be kinder. Kindness is underrated!

Kindness nobler ever than revenge.

The style of kindness has changed.

You cannot do a kindness too soon.

Love and kindness go hand in hand.

Kindness begets kindness evermore.

Man is born for deeds of kindness.

The simple act of caring is heroic.

It is higher and nobler to be kind.

The kind need kindness most of all.

Love and kindness are never wasted.

To belittle, you have to be little.

Gentle to others, to himself severe.

He who plants kindness gathers love.

Paradise is open to all kind hearts.

We pass through this world but once.

Kindness effects more than severity.

Be a little kinder than you have to.

Kindness is stronger than iron bars.

I count on the kindness of strangers.

Kindness is the cause of all anxiety.

Unseasonable kindness gets no thanks.

Kindness in words creates confidence.

Kindness is the essence of greatness.

Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.

Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge.

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