Live as if everything you do will eventually be known.

The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.

Everything in the world needs kindness, child. [Ryssa]

You know what love is? It is all kindness, generosity.

As long as one keeps searching, the answers will come.

Brighten someone's by adding a spoon full of kindness.

Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.

By each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.

Time itself is created through deeds of true kindness.

More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness.

The effect of one good-hearted person is incalculable.

Genuine kindness is not what we do, it is what we are.

Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.

What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?

We have a great deal more kindness than is ever spoken.

What I regret most in my life are failures of kindness.

An enemy to whom you show kindness becomes your friend.

Kindness n: A brief preface to ten volumes of exaction.

Kindness eases everything almost as much as money does.

He that does good to another does good also to himself.

There is nothing worse than words of kindness that lie.

How good life is when one does something good and just!

Kindness is willing to look in the face of the hurting.

When people are serving, life is no longer meaningless.

You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force.

If we always helped one another, no one would need luck.

Grace imitates modesty, as politeness imitates kindness.

He is as full of valor as of kindness. Princely in both.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves.

Wishing kindness and compassion to all living creatures.

Kindness causes us to learn, and to forget, many things.

Great tragedy gives us opportunities for great kindness.

There is always a way to be honest without being brutal.

The point is not to pay back kindness but to pass it on.

Savor kindness because cruelty is always possible later.

Kindness is the key to peace and harmony in family life.

What kind of people do they [the Japanese] think we are?

Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up.

The British like any kind of music so long as it is loud.

Alas,we who wanted kindness, could not be kind ourselves.

It is kindness in a person, not beauty that wins our love

Rigorous authority and justice are the kindness of kings.

Be kind to yourself, to others and everything around you.

Kindness is like snow-it beautifies everything it covers.

Simplification is one of the most difficult things to do.

A kindness received should be returned with a freer hand.

A thousand kindnesses do not make up for a thousand blows.

To receive everything, one must open one's hands and give.

The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

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