I want to soundtrack people's layered feelings.

In 'Chhichhore,' I play the most layered and fun character.

The more layered, more complicated the role... The more I enjoy it.

I love watching Edie Falco; she's so layered, and her work is so great.

I do believe there's good in all of us, even if it's layered over so thickly.

You can be layered and more than one thing - you can exist outside of the box.

He's a layered person, so you have to tackle all the aspects of Tupac individually.

I want a guy who can clean my gutters and kill my spiders - who's simple yet layered.

Femme people exist, and they are layered and they are complex and they are intelligent.

I came from years and years in the direct marketing industry where everything is layered.

I really like structured coats and layered scarves, and I especially love cashmere sweaters.

I look for a layered character who has problems and issues - which, by the way, we all do have.

Complexity that works is built up out of modules that work perfectly, layered one over the other.

I like the idea that I come into a room, and you think you're dealing with one thing, but the truth is I'm very layered.

Oral storytelling goes back so long ago, and those stories that were told orally were always layered and changed with time.

I love storytelling. I love characters that are complicated and layered, real people, that you see why they do what they do.

I listen to other people's stuff and, more and more, you realise how much is layered and how many different guitar parts there are.

In 'Crush,' it still has a lot of elements of other genres, and then the horror is layered on top of it, especially towards the end.

Every human is so layered. And 'Brain,' that theme is about - I'm just such a sensitive person, and I can pick up people's energies.

The medium of film is really wonderful because it can behave in the same way as collage and painting; it can be layered and non-literal.

While we're filming 'Bake Off,' I can get really cold, so I'm often holding a hot-water bottle or layered up under an anorak and a warm hat.

The graphic style itself is influenced by a lot of very layered and detailed comics that I read as a kid, like 'Vagabond' by Takehiko Inoue.

I am very happy that I am getting to play such layered and demanding characters. I feel blessed that directors are trusting me with such roles.

When Tim Allen made The Santa Clause, I thought that was a delightful film. It took a modern sensibility but layered onto it a kind of sentiment.

A story is a kind of biopsy of human life. A story is both local, specific, small, and deep, in a kind of penetrating, layered, and revealing way.

I have never had more fun in my life playing a character than I've had playing Michael Langdon. He's so delicious. He's so layered and complicated.

We are a layered society, so what may be taken easily by an urban audience may not go down well with those watching the same film in suburban areas.

I write almost every single part of my songs, even the actual drum parts sometimes, whether they be simple or layered with many different instruments.

Unlike the phone system, which is engineered around an application, the Internet layered model allows you to, in essence, separate applications from infrastructure.

I get to do some unbelievably layered things. The material that I'm given is so complex, and I'm so grateful for it, so I welcome any opportunities to push boundaries.

For me, I start at the place that my characters are human. I start at the place that they are onions that are layered and meant to be peeled, just as we as human beings are.

Oh, 'Pandaemonium', by Chris Brookmyre! Just fabulous - such a layered, beautifully structured, engaging, intelligent book. I love all Chris's stuff, but this was remarkable.

And we ask the American people to play an important part of our layered defense. We ask for cooperation, patience and a commitment to vigilance in the face of a determined enemy.

The problem with the auto industry is layered upon the lack of consumer confidence. People are not buying cars. I don't care whether they're or American cars, or international cars.

'180' is a romantic film, but I don't think it can be classified as a fluffy love story. It is a wonderful story with a script that is layered and more complex than the normal ones.

I think you leave your imprint on every screenplay. I like to bring my experience as a woman to all my female characters that hopefully makes them a little more layered and complex.

'True Detective' is a densely layered work with resonant details and symbology and rich characterization under the guise of one of the forms of this mystery genre. That's what we shoot for.

I always created things, layered things on top of each other. That hasn't changed at all. With this first album, it was basically a celebration of that process of inventing and building sounds.

I create my own backstory regardless of if I'm told something about the background or not. There's always more that you can develop in your head that makes a character more layered, more honest.

I hate even the idea of a synopsis. When stories are really working, when you're providing subtextual exploration and things that are deeply layered, you're obligated to not say things out loud.

I think the Internet is more layered and complex than just hating it or liking it. I find it to be more purposeful to talk about the way that it's conducive for relationships and making connections.

I played the ingenue, of course, when I was young - but even with those, I tried to make interesting choices and mess them up a little bit - make them layered and complicated and not all stereotypes.

What is wrong is wrong but there has to be a layered narrative. And that is what makes 'Mahabharat' timeless. People find its characters realistic. They could see their reflection in people even today.

Sometimes things get too layered and compressed or there's too many effects and they turn into mush on record. I strive to keep it raw and live-sounding, like you are in the room watching the band play.

Layering is the best way to express yourself through jewelry; each piece makes a statement, each piece has its story and if curated and layered well, it can enhance your look and make sure you stand out.

We learned to put discipline in the haircuts by using actual geometry, actual architectural shapes and bone structure. The cut had to be perfect and layered beautifully, so that when a woman shook it, it just fell back in.

The performance of Carnatic music is multi-dimensional and layered. A performance is at once an artiste's cathartic process of personal exploration and an open energy exchange with the audience: a release and a conversation.

One strategy for getting ahead is being incredibly good at a particular skill; you need to be world-class to stand out for that skill. In my case, I layered fairly average skills together until the combination became special.

The vocal arrangements are a big part of the formula for a Bad Religion song - layered harmonies and background vocals. So when I start to describe the elements of Bad Religion's sound, it starts to sound like a Christmas choir.

It's quite a layered character that I portray in 'Jalebi' and I needed to deviate and cut-off completely from the world to get into a different zone as a character. I'm really glad it proved beneficial and worked to my advantage.

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