I am a left winger, thought.

I'm as left-wing as you can get.

I am Left Wing. I am a Humanist.

'Vanity Fair' is a left-wing rag.

I have been left-wing always, from childhood.

I'm not a left-wing nut pushing for single-payer!

My parents are awesome, but they're pretty left-wing.

A left-wing idiot is as dangerous as a right-wing idiot.

I'm liking my role as left-wing is my preferred position.

I think I represent a more left-wing view of what jazz is.

The point of Left-wing propaganda is to make us feel powerless.

Thats what the right-wing is good at: figuring out the left wing.

There is nothing inherently left-wing about young people in the U.K.

My childhood shaped the person I became. It was artistic, musical and left-wing.

I think, politically, I'm pretty left-wing, and I try to be very neutral in my work.

I alienated myself from the academic world almost entirely because it's a left-wing world.

The biased left-wing media does what it wants. That's not going to define me or hamper me.

I am Left-wing. I am a socialist. I believe in sharing wealth. There's no two ways about it.

I'm not a left-wing person. I'm just a person interested in the sustainability of my country.

A core plank of left-wing academic thought is that gender and race are 'socially constructed.'

With Washington already broken, the last thing we need is a left-wing version of the Tea Party.

I'm not left-wing, or right-wing. With only one wing I couldn't fly, and I just couldn't have that.

What would annoy the most people most often? That is the true left-wing test of government intervention.

'National Review' and 'The Weekly Standard' are both left-wing magazines, and I want to destroy them also.

So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot.

I don't think anybody who looks carefully at us thinks that we are a left-wing or a right-wing organization.

I don't want to do a rabidly left-wing show. I think it's much more interesting to turn the knife on yourself.

The government in Havana is best understood as a cross between violent left-wing radicals and organized crime.

I was a communist, but being left-wing was fashionable. I was no different from thousands of middle-class kids.

I came up in left-wing political writing. My first job out of college was working as Gore Vidal's fact checker.

The truth is, 'Charlie Hebdo' is not a racist magazine. Rather, it is a campaigning anti-racist left-wing magazine.

No-one in their right mind would buy the 'New Statesman' and change it from being a left-wing to a right-wing magazine.

I was the classic liberal, left-wing, 'Theater is going to change the world' kind of person. You know, very, very boring.

Even the most left-wing politicians worship wealth creation - as the political-action-committee collection plate is passed.

All left-wing activists, whether it be WTO, anti-WTO, or anti-war, are idealistic as framed by the Democratic Media Complex.

To be honest, if I was going to have any kind of fantasy, be it left-wing or otherwise, it wouldn't involve Margaret Thatcher.

I'm in a left-wing government, unashamedly... but I also want to work with people from the Right who commit to the same values.

I'm an equal-opportunity critic when it comes to left-wing celebrities sounding off on topics of which they know precious little.

Antifa are the left-wing version of Nazis. They are very violent; they are terrible people. They cause a ruckus and property damage.

Come out and say it, Zuckerberg - 'Our platform that influences billions of people is being used to propagandize left-wing viewpoints.'

Received left-wing wisdom holds that the police cannot lower crime, only massive welfare spending and the redistribution of wealth can.

I swing both ways. I can see things from a kind of conservative point of view and from a more socially liberal or left-wing point of view.

The left-wing agenda wants us to think that the reason there was a depression was because the government didn't do anything. That's not true.

The hope of a new politics does not lie in formulating a left-wing reply to the right-it lies in rejecting conventional political categories.

Wow, a left-wing leader getting a good reception at a rock festival. What kind of crazy world is it we live in that that kind of thing happens?

When I turn on an award show, I don't want to be lectured about politics, climate change or the NRA or a left-wing issue or a right-wing issue.

If left-wing extremism continues to flourish in parts which have natural resources of minerals, the climate for investment would certainly be affected.

We must not be misled by left-wing incompetent news media that, day after day, feed us a diet of fantasy telling us we are bigots, racists and hate-mongers.

The far Right's identity politics are the mirror image of that dominant left-wing ideology, which sees the world exclusively through the lens of race and sex.

We have to struggle against the conservatives from all sides, not only the right-wingers, but also the left-wing conservatives who don't want to change anything.

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