Being in love is the best thing in my life.

The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.

I'm in love with Barcelona, life there is fantastic. It was my best period playing.

I love to be the best friend. It's like my dream in life to be everybody's best friend.

I feel I'd like to share my luck and my life. Being in love is the best thing in the world.

I think talking about one's love life is always... It's a Pandora's box, best kept in journals.

That best portion of a man's life, his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love.

I make my life with New York stage actors, and I love them. They're the best actors on planet earth.

The best portion of a good man's life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.

For much of my life, the Navy was the only world I knew. It is still the world I know best and love most.

My mom is my best friend. I tell her everything from what's going on in my life and my work to my love life.

Nothing worries me in life anymore. When you find that best friend, that love, all your worries kind of go away.

I'd love to be in the Olympics and face Felix Savon again. But if I can't, I'll make the best of it. Life ain't over.

F. Gary Gray, I think, is one of the best directors I've ever worked with in my life, and I'd love to work with him again.

I tend to say faith is believing in life, and as I love life, I try to do the best with it, make it as serene and joyous as possible.

I love food. I think arguably the thing I'm best at in life is eating food, which is not the best talent in the world, but it's a talent.

Those who have never known the deep intimacy and the intense companionship of mutual love have missed the best thing that life has to give.

My son has been the best thing that has happened in my life. He has been amazing, and he is truly heaven-sent. And so, I just feel all that love.

The best thing to do is find one person in your life and try to love them unconditionally. If you've accomplished that, you've accomplished a lot.

I just really love hanging out with really old people. They're the best dinner dates you could ever have. All that life experience and understanding.

I honestly believe there is nothing more important in a person's life than love and I want to show women how to have fun and get the best out of dating.

Sure, best seller. I'd love to knock Stephen King off the top of the list. I know I won't, but, after all, I spend my life inventing a different reality.

Having the person that you love by your side and starting a family with them is the best thing that can happen to you in this life. You can't ask for more.

It's the best thing ever - I love being a mom. This is my only child. My career was a priority earlier in my life, but now my son is definitely the priority.

My biggest lesson I've learned about love is to keep on loving. Love is love; it's amazing. It's fine. It hurts. It's probably one of the best experiences in life.

I'll never leave. I love Australia, and I'm doing my best to be a fair dinkum Aussie sheila and honour all of Steve's work, and yeah, I'll be here the rest of my life.

The best part of one's life is the working part, the creative part. Believe me, I love to succeed... However, the real spiritual and emotional excitement is in the doing.

Our first major hit was 'Where Is the Love.' That was what best represented us bringing people together, no matter what walk of life, and no matter what culture or creed.

I have never used makeup in my life. I'm not fond of it at all. I love myself the way I am, and I try my best not to use it - the only things I use are sun screen and eyeliner.

Teenagers are asking, 'Who am I?' and 'How do I fit in?' in every aspect of their lives, and the best YA romances appreciate that there is more to a teen's life than finding love.

To be the top guy throughout my life and my career, to have people coming at me every game, giving me their best shot - that's part of the reason I went to Duke. I love that stuff.

My mom and my dad was the best example of unconditional love I could see as a kid. I've known it my whole life. Interactions, kissing, hugging - it definitely wasn't the fake love.

That time, when everyone else is asleep, and it's just me and my little man, that's the best time I've ever spent in my life. I just get to love on him. It, literally, is the best.

I do the best I can to remind my family as often as possible that I love them more than life itself, and to let them know that every step I take is with them in the very front of my mind.

I love going to black churches, and I love some of these black preachers. The best preacher I ever saw in my life was a 93-year-old in a black church in Hamilton, Virginia. What a preacher!

I love Saturday nights with my best friend and a big bowl of pasta, wanting a good scare, something that will say, 'Listen, your life is not as bad as this. Your life can be so much worse.'

All of us, consciously or unconsciously, set out to have the best possible love life. Valentine's Day simply shines a light on the degree to which that didn't - or hasn't yet - materialized.

You know, I think everything I do cinematically for the rest of my life will probably have some direct route back to Jonathan. But I love him to death. He's like my best friend and my big brother.

It's easy to get wrapped up in sharing everyday life with a partner. It's fun to get lost in love and romance. It's the best. But holding on to yourself while doing that is the most important thing.

I'd be nothing without my wife. She's the coolest. She's the greatest. She is the smartest. She's the funniest. I love her so much. She's like the - it's like your best friend for the rest of your life.

I thought I was dreaming. It was the most amazing moment of my entire life. Not only is Bill the love of my life, but he's also my best friend. I couldn't believe my dream guy was asking me to marry him!

You can have a spiritual awakening and discover a new side of you at any age. And best of all, love can happen at any age. Life can just start to get exciting when you're in your 40s and 50s. You have to believe that.

With me, what you see is what you get. Yes, call me naive, but I love life. I am happy, and for that, I make no apologies. I do like to see the best in people, and when someone is nice to my face, I tend to believe them.

In fiction, as in real life, love might inspire acts that are at best foolish and at worst life-threatening, but in the best romances, love is the final, secret ingredient that turns mere mortals into heroes and heroines.

You can't stop loving or wanting to love because when its right it's the best thing in the world. When you're in a relationship and its good, even if nothing else in your life is right, you feel like your whole world is complete.

I try to focus on what I love doing and if those things, those awards, those accolades, those tickets keep selling and coming like they are doing, I'm going to relish in it and live my life the best way I know how and be grateful.

Basketball is like life and life is like basketball. It's just a game. So lets play the best we can while we are still here with love, compassion, selflessness fairplay and supporting each other to be bigger and better human beings.

The best thing about working with Tahira bhabhi is her positivity and clarity about what she wants from you as an artist, an actor, and even as a brother-in-law. I think she is very clear about life, and that's what I love about her.

Gamble, cheat, lie, and steal. Let me explain: Gamble for your best shot in life - dare to take risks. Cheat those who would have you be less than you are. Lie in the arms of those you love. And finally, steal every moment of happiness.

I really just want to do the best at everything I do. I just want to have all the great people around me that I feel is family, as well as my friends, and I have an amazing girlfriend. I think having love in your life is most important.

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