For me, life is starting every day, every year. There's a lot to be done!

I live every day, day to day. I will go wherever life takes me. I'm not questioning it.

I'm sure, to many people, my life is not that exciting, but to me every day is an adventure.

No day of my life passes without someone saying the words 'Monty Python' to me. It's not bad.

My life would be very puzzling to most people if they had to follow me around for a day or two.

I have a life coach out with me on tour, a very nice guy from L.A. He just prepares me for each day.

Class is something I know about. I've lived it every day of my life, and it shaped me in my identity.

It occured to me the other day that I've made out with more people on camera than I have in real life!

I'll call it a day when I die. It's a wonderful occupation for me. I've never worked a day in my life.

That is how prison is tearing me up inside. It hurts every day. Every day takes me further from my life.

For me, I want to make sure every single day I wake up and give thanks for everything that I've been given in life.

I've been an athlete most of my life and on a disciplined schedule. Working out for me is just part of my every day.

If I lived my life according to what Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh said about me, I would just stay in bed all day.

My cancer scare changed my life. I'm grateful for every new, healthy day I have. It has helped me prioritize my life.

I'm one of these people who couldn't imagine the future. The future never occurred to me. I just loved life every day.

I prayed every day of my life, and that was instilled in me as a kid, and as I've gotten older, that's just matured in me.

Most of my life's information is public. I got a text one day from a hacker who texted me all of my credit card information.

I've never been arrested in my life. Never had cuffs put on me, never been charged with a crime, never spent one day in jail.

The other day, someone told me that all my life I will be telling the stories of underdogs. Their stories always appeal to me.

Almost every day, people will say to me some version of, 'You're so much nicer in real life.' I guess I come across as not nice.

Getting back racing gave me the extra motivation in other areas to get back walking in my day to day life and just spurred me on.

It slightly annoys me when people assume that I've never worked a day in my life. I've held many jobs, I've worked since I was 15.

The big new development in my life is, when I turned 80, I decided I no longer have to do four pages a day. For me, it's like retiring.

I'm happy just to be breathing. I'm joyful for life, my kids running around and waking me up every day. I got a lot to be thankful for.

Depression isn't about, 'Woe is me, my life is this, that and the other', it's like having the worst flu all day that you just can't kick.

Criticism certainly doesn't affect my life, and whatever the pundits have called me, I'm sure they have been called a lot worse in their day.

My husband calls me a ginger every single day of my life, so that I'm completely used to it, and I've come to see it as a term of endearment.

All my life, I have been a celebrant of Halloween. For me, it is the most important day of the year, the turning point in the old pagan calendar.

For the rest of my life, I realise people are going to ask questions of me, but at the end of the day, I am a clean athlete, and I have worked hard.

We all have our motivations in life and for me, it's my kids. They push me every day and keep me going. It gives me that extra motivation that I need.

As a kid, I was pretty obsessed with dinosaurs and the day that my parents took me to Dinosaur National Park, I didn't think life could get any better.

I could manage my life so much better if an app could tell me exactly when my parcels will be delivered so I don't spend the day under virtual house arrest.

Every day, something new gets thrown at me, and I'm like, 'How did this happen?' I've gone through some of the craziest life experiences because of YouTube.

A classic song is timeless. You'll never outlive a classic song. I'll never put The Beatles 'In My Life' on one day and say, 'That doesnt move me any more.'

I knew I was going to do a country album one day. But I was just trying to figure out for the life of me, what we were going to do to make it different, unique.

Inside me I'm Ghanaian, and I'm proud to be African. But of course I'm Italian. I was born in Italy. I've never been to Africa in my life, but I will go one day.

And in fact, the day rumors emerged about me having an affair with Darshan, I stopped interacting with him. And he has never discussed his personal life with me.

I was in New York one day, and this guy ran off a bus, grabbed me, and told me that 'Maurice' had changed his life. I've also had it many, many times in England.

Even before Snapchat, you go back into my career from Day One or interview people that knew me for 25 years, they're going to tell you I've been DJ Khaled my whole life.

For me, skateboarding is a lifestyle. I really don't know anything different. My life revolves around skating. If I wasn't a professional skateboarder, I'd still be skating every day.

Babies don't need a vacation, but I still see them at the beach... it pisses me off! I'll go over to a little baby and say 'What are you doing here? You haven't worked a day in your life!'

I'm a big crier in general. The right life insurance commercial will take me out for a couple of days. I watched Hillary Clinton on the news the other day, and I got choked up by Hillary Clinton.

Every single day, everywhere we went, people were coming up to me and Boyd repeatedly and saying, 'We're life-long Democrats, but we're voting for you. We've never voted for a Republican in our life.'

I'm sentimental about many things: the lumpy feel of a baby's unused feet, the metallic smell of the air before the first snow, the last scene in 'It's a Wonderful Life.' But Valentine's Day leaves me cold.

Golf has always been a part of my life. My parents have footage of me in a walker swinging a plastic club. If I didn't play golf, I would have been a baseball player. I could sit and watch baseball all day.

One day, I just hit a point where I was like, 'What am I going to do with my life, with my career?' I have all of these little things going on, but what am I going to really do? And for me, I saw longevity in acting.

When my twin grandchildren, Linda and Lyeke, were born two years ago, it changed me. I felt it was the essence of what life is about, and I cried all day. When my son Pierre, their father, was born I didn't cry like that.

But you know the thing that I thing oftentimes gets ignored and neglected is there was 10 or 12 years of life before I met Amy and before she met me, where you know, whatever happened was probably going to happen some day.

My friends hated going out with me because people think they can grab you and talk to you how they want. At the end of the day, you're still a human being, and I don't like being treated that way - I prefer to live a quiet life.

I'm just being P.J., that's the number one thing, I'm just being me. Like I'm not portraying something or acting or putting on something that I wouldn't put on every day in my life or doing anything that I wouldn't already be doing.

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