Sometimes I write stuff that strangely predicts what's going to happen in my life.

My on-stage uniform is basically my life uniform, also. But sometimes I go a lil' flashier on stage.

I've spent as much of my life fishing as decency allowed, and sometimes I don't let even that get in my way.

I get recognised sometimes. But I just live my life. I get on the bus, I get on the subway, it's not a problem.

Very early in my life, I realised that it is okay getting rejected. Sometimes, we take rejection too personally.

Sometimes, I feel like I spent the first part of my life wishing to be a teen-age boy, and the second part condemned to being one.

The songs are inspired by my experiences. Sometimes they are more than my real-life and, conversely, my life is more than just my songs.

Even though we're really, really happy with what we do, sometimes I think - as an adult, you think, 'Should I be more responsible with my life choices?'

That's been the story of my life - obstacles: trying to figure a way over them, around them, under them; sometimes you have to go straight through them.

I have gotten into a lot of trouble in my life for being brutally honest. Sometimes I put both my feet in my mouth. But like Elton John, I'm still standing.

Joining Yes was one of those stupid things that you do sometimes. It was one of the two or three times in my life that I've done something that I knew was wrong.

Sometimes my life is moving so fast that I forget what's going on. I'm just going with the pace or going with the flow. Like, I don't really stop and try to pay attention to things for too long.

There are times in my life when I haven't been happy. Sometimes it's not even physical, it's something else. The key is identifying why you're unhappy and doing whatever you can to fix it in a healthy way.

Sometimes I wonder how my life would have worked out if my books had been translated into English sooner, because English is the language that's spoken worldwide, and when a book appears in English it is made universal, it becomes a global publication.

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