I translated Beatles songs for my English class.

In a way, Anglo-Saxon poetry cannot be translated.

My game from college has translated into the pros.

The nature of anguish is translated into different forms.

Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space.

I never translated from my days in the Navy to being a congressman.

Whitman was Emerson translated from the abstract into the concrete.

I will say nothing to an actor that cannot be translated into action.

It can bum you out when your intentions aren't, like, translated properly.

In my mind, I slowed down and I feel like I translated it over into my game.

I've read all of Sarah Waters's novels which have been translated into Korean.

The do-it-yourself lifestyle is something that I've translated into wrestling.

We are not to expect to be translated from despotism to liberty in a featherbed.

I think a lot of writers are unrealistic about having their books translated into film.

Somehow, what's in our hearts, good or bad is eventually translated into words and deeds.

Actors don't have to be linked in real life for the chemistry to be translated on screen.

Home to me is the world because my books have been translated into more than 30 languages.

My background in gymnastics, martial arts, and dancing has translated very well in the ring.

I just lived openly, as loud as I wanted to be, which translated into our music really well.

To be honest, I'm not that much of a reader of Korean fiction, since so little is translated.

Africa is experiencing rising rates of growth, but will growth get translated into development?

I've learned survival secrets from being on camera, and then translated them into everyday life.

Being real in pro wrestling has paid off. Just being myself - that really translated to the fans.

When one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language.

Dreamland is a book, but it's my song in book form. It's translated itself into a different medium.

In the last 1,000 years, the Arabs have translated as many books as Spain translates in just one year.

Every rejection is incremental payment on your dues that in some way will be translated back into your work.

Myths can't be translated as they did in their ancient soil. We can only find our own meaning in our own time.

Designers have always shown outlandish and exuberant clothes, but that hasn't always translated to the streets.

What you fill your mind with is eventually translated into the words you speak, and then your words create action.

God employs several translators; some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness, some by war, some by justice.

Whatever is powerful to you can be translated into something which will matter to somebody that you will never know.

The ballet needs to tell its own story in such a way it can be received without having to be translated into language.

As thy days, so shall thy strength be which, in modern language, may be translated as thy thoughts so shall thy life be.

There isn't really a stylistic recipe for fonts to make them particularly suitable to be translated into different scripts.

Translated poetry filled the no-man's-land between my own work and other writers', and I found this fascinating to explore.

Anyone that was raised with a Germanic language will agree that our tone is strong, especially once translated into English.

We may always depend on it that algebra, which cannot be translated into good English and sound common sense, is bad algebra.

Many of the books I read, I had to read them in French, English, or Italian, because they hadn't been translated into Spanish.

The first problem of the media is posed by what does not get translated, or even published in the dominant political languages.

One effect that the Nobel Prize seems to have had is that more Arabic literary works have been translated into other languages.

Frank Gehry not only understood my sense of fun and adventure but also reciprocated it and translated that feeling into his work.

We have to understand that India is a complex country. Everything takes time for the real impact to get translated to the economy.

The difficulty that many foreign authors face in having their works translated into English has effects far beyond the United States.

Present-day Spain translates as many books into Spanish, annually, as the Arab world has translated into Arabic in the past 1,100 years.

Once I started getting serious about standup I got a better handle on word economy and making jokes punchier, which translated well to Twitter.

The very first pieces of film that I did were really graphic designs translated to film. Graphic designs that moved. That was a very new notion.

Design must be functional, and functionality must be translated into visual aesthetics without any reliance on gimmicks that have to be explained.

If economic progress is not translated into better quality of life and respect for citizens' rights, we will witness more Tahrir Squares in Africa.

Online, your quotes can now be picked up around the world, twisted, translated, and interpreted to mean the opposite of what you have actually said.

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