My life is one long curve, full of turning points.

Nothing ever stays the same for very long in my life.

Sometimes it feels like my life is just one long day.

Long before punk entered my life, I loved scary films and stories.

For a long period in my life - it lasted about 10 years - I had writer's block.

I been in the blues all my life. I'm still delivering 'cause I got a long memory.

I thought I was so ugly for so long, and I wasted so much of my life on this dumb notion.

I've been a feminist all my life, or at least as long as I've been conscious of being a woman.

I was born into long odds. I know what the David versus Goliath story is. My life has been that.

'That '70s Show' was one of the highlights of my life. I didn't expect to be on it as long as I was.

I've become a little immune to the gazes of strangers because it's been a part of my life for so long.

The last few years of my life have been a little like a long ride in a Poop de Ville with the bottom down.

Most people take long breaks after Olympics. I needed some normalcy back in my life, so I came back to the pool.

For so long, I just let people surmise what they would about my life and my choices, and other people have written books and told tales.

My life has been long, and believing that life loves the liver of it, I have dared to try many things, sometimes trembling, but daring still.

The three greatest people in my life were white, OK. My high school coach, my high school superintendent and my mentor in Manhasset, Long Island.

Most of my life I've had long periods of feeling down and lost. That's why every five years or so I've smashed my life to pieces and started again.

I've been doing this stuff for so long it's the one aspect of my life that I've paid attention to and really sort of not paid attention to the rest of it.

One of the defining experiences of my life came in the mid-1980s. After working for two years as a geologist in Colorado, I lost my job and my career during that long recession.

I read, I gossip, I do crosswords. I think chatting with friends is relaxing. I've picked them up all through my life - if you live long enough, you end up with quite a large circle.

Sometimes my life is moving so fast that I forget what's going on. I'm just going with the pace or going with the flow. Like, I don't really stop and try to pay attention to things for too long.

An opera begins long before the curtain goes up and ends long after it has come down. It starts in my imagination, it becomes my life, and it stays part of my life long after I've left the opera house.

As for writing novels - it's what I've done for 30 some-odd years. I can't suddenly say I'm going to take up golf. I need something in my life. As long as I can write a coherent sentence, I'll keep at it.

When I was in the eighth grade, I wrote this huge long paper about how I had no idea what I was gonna do with my life, but that I wanted to make a difference and touch even if it was like one person's life... inspire them.

You do things when the opportunities come along. I've had periods in my life when I've had a bundle of ideas come along, and I've had long dry spells. If I get an idea next week, I'll do something. If not, I won't do a damn thing.

I got a third-degree ankle sprain practicing long jump. I never fully recovered. That was my first heartbreak. I thought track was going to be something that was going to happen in my life. It never went in the direction I wanted it to, no matter how hard I tried.

When I realized that people actually wrote comics, that it was a job people could do, I thought, 'Gee, these things are only 17 pages long! I could probably finish one of those and find out whether I suck before I've spent five years of my life on it.' In stumbling into comics that way, I discovered that I loved the form.

Sometimes I find it tiresome to write actions and describe the scene in a very intricate way so that every crew member understands where we are going - that I can find a little bit long and tiresome. But dialogue is just all my life. There's no way I could ever be challenged, not challenged, but I'm always so happy to write dialogue.

Ray Bradbury is, for many reasons, the most influential writer in my life. Throughout our long friendship, Ray supplied not only his terrific stories but a grand model of what a writer could be, should be, and yet rarely is: brilliant and charming and accessible, willing to tolerate and to teach, happy to inspire but also to be inspired.

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