Elton John is an absolute lad. He's a hero.

My influences are Alice in Chains and Elton John.

I play music from Queen, to Elton John, to classic.

I've met Nicole Kidman, Elton John, loads of people.

I stand a lot better chance to go further than Elton.

I buy flowers for myself all the time. I'm comedy's Elton John.

Hell is being stuck in a lift with Elton John and the Queen Mother.

My big influences are piano artists like Billy Joel and Elton John.

Elton John's opinion turned the label's opinion around, all in a day.

I'm a big fan of piano-based rock music like Elton John, Ben Folds, and even Queen.

As much as I love heavy riffs, I like The Eagles, Neil Young, Elton John, Crowded House.

Elton John is a huge influence and an artist I've listened to since I was a little girl.

Elton John and Billy Joel, I find them both to be huge inspirations, those guys are so talented.

I was asked to be in Elton John's band, Joni Mitchell's band, and Miles Davis' band. I couldn't do it.

My inspirations include the Beatles - love, love, love them - Elton John, Carole King, and Stevie Wonder.

As Elton John, my days on pop radio are over, and I know that and I accept it and I'm not unhappy about it.

Oh, yeah, I've always thought of covering some of my influences like Billy Joel, Elton John, Stevie Wonder.

I listen to Billy Joel. He is fabulous. I saw him with Elton John when they toured together, it was so great.

Solo artists are generally totally insane. Elton John? Slightly eccentric. George Michael? He's mad as custard.

Bruce Springsteen's a rock star. Elton John is a rock star. I'm a folk musician. Honestly, I think that's true.

I got to know Elton John's older music by learning to like his newer stuff. 'The Lion King?' That's what I like.

I can remember - barely - when Elton John was still a good songwriter, or at least capable of writing good songs.

I know there are other Elton Simpsons out there. But I also know there are Elton Simpsons out there I cannot see.

I think back to the Eagles, Elton John, people like that when I think about the Troubadour. It's an iconic place.

I met Elton John at an Interview dinner, and we just sort of became friends. He's got such a wicked sense of humor.

When it comes to the stage, I can't help but be inspired by people like George Clinton, Elton John and Alice Cooper.

Sometimes it's good to do something that you've never done before, so yesterday, I went out to buy Elton John's new album.

I am so honoured to be supporting the Elton John AIDS Foundation and their mission making London and our global cities AIDS-free.

I still find it a bit surreal that Sir Elton John can call Troy Deeney from Chelmsley. It's quite entertaining but a bit surreal.

I grew up with 'best-of' cassettes. My first Smiths record was 'Hatful Of Hollow,' and I had hits albums by Elton John and The Cars.

I listen to a lot of Pink Floyd, the Doors, Elton John, Sabbath, Metallica, GN'R, Megadeth - just classic rock, classic metal stuff.

Well, the stuff that I liked growing up was AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, but I also liked the Beatles and guys like Cat Stevens and Elton John.

When Elton John sang a duet with the white rapper Eminem on a Grammy telecast, rap went mainstream. Massive parental headaches followed.

Everyone knows and loves Elton John's music, but the true story of his life is so incredible that it can only be described as a fantasy.

I really love all types of music. I'm really open to that. I really love Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake and some James Taylor and Elton John stuff.

Look at Paul McCartney, look at Elton John. They're jealous of Justin Timberlake. I'm sure they were jealous of me when I was in my imperial phase.

I sang 'Your Song' by Elton John, and Silva Screen Records were watching. They got in touch with my agent then had the idea of the Christmas album.

Before hip-hop existed, we were listening to soul songs from the '70s. I grew up with Motown, Elton John, and the Beatles. To me, that's good music.

Elton wanted a garden. They were building all afternoon while we were rehearsing. And then they built a fountain for Elton. And he said, I was only joking!

I have gotten into a lot of trouble in my life for being brutally honest. Sometimes I put both my feet in my mouth. But like Elton John, I'm still standing.

I hope that somewhere in Small Town, U.S.A., a 15-year-old kid looks to me as a role model the way I looked at the Indigo Girls and Elton John as role models.

If it weren't for Liberace, there would be no Madonna or Lady Gaga, Elton John, Bette Midler, or Elvis because it was Liberace who helped the King glitz up his act.

George was a late arrival at school and he was sort of put in my charge, and one of the immediate similarities was that we both enjoyed music - specifically Elton John.

My songwriting is so influenced by orchestrated music, dramatic, super glam rock-y stuff. Two of my biggest influences in songwriting were Elton John and Freddie Mercury.

I've always had an eclectic taste in music. But what I try to do is combine these things in ways that others would never think of, like putting Bun B on an Elton John song.

My mom and dad got divorced when I was, like, 8, and when I went to my dad's house on the weekend, he'd play a lot of music: Miles Davis, Radiohead, Thom Yorke, Elton John.

I have a wide range of influences - I mean, first of all, I am a big, big fan of old soul music. Then, there's people like Donny Hathaway, Elton John... a diverse array of music.

Nobody put the camera on the background singers who were singing. It was on Stevie Wonder. It was on Elton John. It was on whoever was the lead singer out front. We were 20 feet from stardom.

One of my earliest inspirations was the 'Allan-a-Dale' character played by Elton Hayes in the 1954 movie 'The Story Of Robin Hood And His Merrie Men.' He was a wandering minstrel with his guitar.

I'm not being arrogant or blase, but I got a bigger buzz sitting opposite Jean-Bernard Delmas over lunch at Chateau Haut-Brion than I did from interviewing Elton John, Liza Minelli or Whitney Houston.

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