Religions are such stuff as dreams are made of.

Religions are such stuff as dreams are made of.

The standard of success in life isn't the things. It isn't the money ...

The standard of success in life isn't the things. It isn't the money or the stuff. It is absolutely the amount of joy that you feel.

We are all star stuff.

I love smashing stuff.

Let's blow some stuff up.

Disrespect is real stuff.

I over-think stuff a lot.

Real power is creating stuff.

I go through phases of stuff.

I just want to do cool stuff.

Leaders do stuff that matters.

Woo woo, secret vampire stuff!

I'm the stuff men are made of!

I do a lot of CG stuff for fun.

Try to be accurate about stuff.

I'm like a mama's boy and stuff.

Stuff your brain with knowledge.

It takes me ages to write stuff.

I'll do anything for free stuff.

The music stuff is just a hobby.

You're ready. Start making stuff.

We are all made up of star stuff.

Most of the stuff I do is garbage.

I mostly built stuff that I liked.

Some dead people said smart stuff.

Time is the stuff life is made of.

Oh, this happiness is strong stuff.

There's a lot of great stuff on TV.

I like doing stuff with my friends.

You can't lose with the Stuff I use!

I really enjoy doing the live stuff.

Sometimes I just cry at random stuff!

Whoever dies with the most stuff wins.

Ordinary life is pretty complex stuff.

We are star stuff harvesting sunlight.

I love the farm, I love growing stuff.

I never really enjoyed the fame stuff.

Wildflowers are the stuff of my heart!

Life is too short to stuff a mushroom.

Wax myrtle: The birds love this stuff.

I have soundtracks for a lot of stuff.

I don't like fancy fiddly girlie stuff.

Most of my stuff, I never really watch.

Ridiculous stuff happens when I travel.

I'd to do more stuff with less sarcasm.

Everything is made of one hidden stuff.

I've gotten to do a lot of weird stuff.

Glory, as anyone knows, is bitter stuff.

I love French stuff. Mmmm, french fries.

Time is the stuff of which life is made.

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