I want balance in my life.

I want to feel my life while I'm in it.

I don't want to get punched all my life.

I don't want to spend my life on an ice cube.

I want to be in Philly for the rest of my life.

Frankly, I don't want to let trolls into my life.

I want to visit Moscow again and again in my life.

I don't want to dedicate my life to getting publicity.

I don't want to ruin my life with paparazzi and all of that.

Once I get to a certain level, I don't want to rap all my life.

I don't want to be a full-time member of Pink Floyd all my life.

I have my life on a track that I want it on, and I don't want to get off.

I want to thank my mum, my daddy, my coach, my teacher, everybody in my life.

I don't want to be known in my life for what I do from 5 to 9 in the mornings.

When I write my autobiography after 20-25 years, I want 2014 to be the weakest year of my life.

I want my life to move on. On the other hand, I can't say no to offers, not when I'm getting £50,000 a year to be Eddie the Eagle.

I think that one of the strengths of Cop Shoot Cop lay in the different, and at times, clashing personalities, Ideally, I want to have both ways of working in my life.

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