ِAn offer you can't refuse.

Make an offer they can't refuse.

I offer you what I have my Poverty

All seasons have something to offer

Love is the only future God offers.

A blocked path also offers guidance.

I take the opportunity each day offers.

It is medicine, not poison, I offer you.

Gay nightclubs offer better dance music.

Death offers mankind a full view of truth.

I have no talent. I have nothing to offer.

I will make you an offer you cannot refuse

A divided heart offers a strange sensation.

Every crisis offers you extra desired power.

I had more offers in football than baseball.

I enjoyed every experience that life offers.

I bargain now. I offer buttons for his love.

I've had to learn how to say 'no' to offers.

I can offer you only: this world like a knife

Frankly speaking, acting offers do come my way.

Write without pay until somebody offers to pay.

If someone offers you a breath mint, accept it.

Beware the beast, but enjoy the feast he offers.

I will not hesitate to take up good film offers.

Bayern offers the young guys a huge opportunity.

I had offers from Celtic and Southampton as well.

Sir, are you trying to offer me a bribe? How much

Beware of the naked man who offers you his shirt.

To portray a maniac offers a compelling challenge.

Nope, no sex scandals yet. But I am open to offers!

A shoe has so much more to offer than just to walk.

As often as we do good, we offer sacrifices to God.

'Vadhaiyan Ji Vadhaiyan' offers a fresh comic take.

Adoption is the highest privilege the gospel offers.

When someone offers me a part, I say, 'Yes, please.'

Even if someone offers me junk food, I won't eat it.

Every time the UFC offers something, I just take it.

Anything that offers hope has the potential to heal.

If I get good Bollywood offers, I would love to act.

He who offers God a second place offers Him no place.

The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.

The only thing major labels can really offer is money.

Faith's only function is to receive what grace offers.

When sincerity fails, the offer of money usually works.

Art has to offer something other than stylized despair.

Life offers more than one chance, Cathy, you know that.

Search is essential to every service that Yahoo offers.

Liberals exploit weakness; conservatives offer strength.

I would entertain endorsement offers if they came along.

There are a lot of offers. But I don't like to overwork.

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