Lighting is everything in a color.

Life is all about seating and lighting.

Lighting is key for me for every project.

Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting.

Lighting one candle from another - Winter night

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.

Sometimes the best lighting of all is a power failure.

The secret to life is to put yourself in the right lighting.

Lighting is everything in order to get the 'perfect' selfie.

You cannot brighten another's path without lighting your own.

I start lighting pine-scented candles the day after Halloween.

We love the idea of having a really great lighting production.

I once looked like Norman Mailer in a picture with bad lighting.

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

Throughout my pictures I employ a lighting which is not naturalistic.

I believe in naturalistic lighting, which isn't to say natural light.

A Candle never Loses any of its Light while Lighting up another candle.

I find great lighting and a squint of the eyes makes anyone look better.

I am always fascinated by the lighting and the brands they have at TJ Maxx.

Lighting is a good way to change the look of a place without spending much.

Lighting is everything. It creates mood and has an emotional effect on you.

I think lighting is a reflection of what is at stake emotionally in a movie.

I used to love a well-arranged room: the furniture, the fabric, the lighting.

It is very satisfying to see that my dream of LED lighting has become a reality.

China is the world's largest lighting market. That should not be ignored lightly.

When I moved to L.A., I had nothing but a computer, a lighting set, and a suitcase.

Suffiseth this to proove my theame withall,That every bullet hath a lighting place.

The pool table, like bathroom graffiti and horrible lighting, is a dive bar staple.

In the evening I love lighting all my candles. It creates such a beautiful ambiance.

People don't realize that lighting can change the whole look of a place and the feel.

I love lamps. I can't stand overhead lighting. I have to have everything on a dimmer.

One of the strongest characteristics of genius is the power of lighting its own fire.

My father's a Southern Baptist minister. I wasn't lighting cars on fire; I just wasn't.

Lighting practically whenever I can when shooting period really helps with authenticity.

A million candles burnt in him without his being at the trouble of lighting a single one

Any time you do opposing camera angles, there's gonna be some compromise in the lighting.

I always recommend rewiring vintage lighting. It's not a bargain if your house burns down.

Higher ceilings allow the use indirect lighting, which is much healthier and reduces glare.

I played around with the flowers and the lighting, so that was a good way to educate myself.

When there is a Brazilian who is lighting things up, he is at Real Madrid before you know it!

Lighting is an essential way to change the mood of a room, especially if you can use dimmers.

I didn't know I was doing film noir, I thought they were detective stories with low lighting!

As an actor you become that lighting rod between the person who made the play and the audience.

I ran spotlight. Swept up. Did box office. Ran the lighting board. But acting was the most fun.

It's more fun if you can control things like lighting and make special effects in the darkroom.

My dad used to work in the theater as a stage manager, production manager, and lighting designer.

I've always been interesting in the lighting aspect and always listened to what they were saying.

A room is like a stage. If you see it without lighting, it can be the coldest place in the world.

I'd hate to be really beautiful on telly and then have everyone go, 'It's all make-up and lighting.'

The entire dynamics of the lighting market are changing. Value is moving toward systems and services.

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