Love looks like something.

If you like something, go for it.

Treat your life like something to be sculpted.

If I like something, I get it and I put it on.

Now to me, Edith looks like something that would eat her young.

When you feel like something is really wrong, it's usually wrong

I can like something. You can like something. It's not an absolute.

When I like something, I love it, but then I'll let it go completely.

And when it comes, her kiss is like something not so much felt as found.

If I feel like something's gonna be right, I invest in it, whatever it is.

I was a psycho woman. It felt like something in me that I had no control over.

For me, Mexploitation seemed like something that should have existed, but didn't.

I always wrote. My parents are writers. It just seemed like something people did.

He looked like something that had gotten loose from Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

I think that if you don't like something and it's not easy, you shouldn't be doing it.

I always loved comedy, but it never seemed like something that I could do professionally.

Every new promise was like something heavy I had to carry, with no place to put anything down.

If somebody don't like something that I do, that's his or her prerogative. Just like it's mine.

I don't want a picture to look like something it isn't. I want it to look like something it is.

Why do I feel like something's missing in my life without them and they don't feel the same about me?

To be truly popular, it has to look like something you are, when in reality, it's what you make yourself.

In the 1960s, Robert Venturi and I played a game we called ‘I can like something worse than you can like.’

Elphaba looked like something between an animal and an Animal, like something more than life but not quite Life.

You can't get someone to like something they aren't feeling. After you press play, there isn't anything you can do.

If you don't like something don't do it, and if you're doing something then you better like it. It is as simple as that.

If you don't like something about yourself, change it. If you're OK with it, you gotta own it. There's nothing in between.

It doesn't feel like a date. It doesn't feel like friendship. It feels like something that fell off the tightrope but hasn't yet hit the net.

I remember the day tDr. King died. I wasn't angry at the beginning. It was like something very personal in my life had been touched and finished.

When you like something and you're pretty good at it and you can make a living doing it, you don't ask why. You just count your blessings and go with it.

The poetry when I was a kid felt like something that I could control, and whether it failed or not, whether it was good or not, was totally on me and I could accept that. It was entirely mine.

It's not just that I love bacon so much; I feel like something about bacon reflects my personality. It's salty and it's bad for you and it's delicious. I just love it so f - ing much, that's why.

It's like something happened to you that caused you to do what you heard something somewhere, you felt something about this music that was definitely part of your own vision. That's what the whole thing is like.

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