I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires, rather ...

I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires, rather than in attempting to satisfy them.

I think it's quite limiting to do a soap.

Labels are limiting, and I don't like them.

I got to start limiting the hits I take on myself.

Hip-hop can be limiting and I refuse to accept limits.

Network TV is so limiting. There are so many parameters.

To write about someone like myself would be very limiting.

I don't really design for myself. It would be very limiting.

Fear is one of the worst, and most limiting, emotions in life.

I found the blues too limiting, and classical was too disciplined.

Playing albums in sequence can be awesome, or it can be very limiting.

Tradition matters. To me it's not a limiting force; it's a springboard.

We cannot allow religious hooligans to place limiting points on thought.

The problem with prequels is you're limiting yourself as to where it can go.

It doesn't bother me when I'm labeled, but it's so... limiting. It's so boxy.

I've always been schizophrenic; I've never been interested in limiting myself.

'Men don't cry!' 'Women can't handle money!' What limiting ideas to live with.

People are often very limiting to themselves and can be their own worst enemy.

I don't categorise cinema at all. If I am doing this, that means I am limiting myself.

We can prevent fighting by limiting weapons or finding nonviolent ways to end disputes.

I don't like calling it Christian rap. Titles are so limiting. It's hip-hop. I'm a rapper.

The key to making a good forecast is not in limiting yourself to quantitative information.

Design schools are good, I guess, sometimes I visit schools, but they are very very limiting.

I recommend limiting one's involvement in other people's lives to a pleasantly scant minimum.

When I was 18, and my looks were what I was - and all that I was - it did feel very limiting.

Before, gay portrayals in the media were so limiting, like a caricature of a homo. A parody almost.

If I'm not playing good, it's just because I'm not playing good, not because my body is limiting me.

You could be a locavore in Florida or southern California. But I tried that. It was really limiting.

Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision.

I think CGI is interesting, but it's too expensive and limiting in terms of what you can do shot-by-shot.

And Kinsey thought that anybody who defined themselves based on their sexual acts was limiting themselves.

Clearly there are individuals who don't understand what the church teaches, or they think it's so limiting.

If you have a good product, like football, you should also think about limiting it to keep the quality high.

Always keep in mind that poker is about limiting your losses and maximizing your gains on every hand you play.

There are a lot of possibilities I'm looking at for the future, but I'm very insistent on not limiting myself.

Limiting the destructive risk-taking by large financial firms and banks which are 'too big to fail' is needed.

Limiting Covid's impact requires us to think differently about confronting respiratory pathogens in the winter.

Conservatives sometimes forget that limiting government is not an end in itself but a means to a better society.

I didn't ever want to make a rap album. I considered it too limiting. Now that's exactly what I've gone and done.

I love playing video games, but I'm regularly disappointed in the limited and limiting ways women are represented.

It's all about being flexible, and avoiding choices whenever possible. Choices suck, they are inherently limiting.

It betrays hubris on the part of the artist to think his medium is limiting him, and I think we all recognize this.

It's because I'm a feminist that I can't stand women limiting other women's imaginations. It really makes me angry.

You've got to distribute the tyre life over the stint, I think that's the main limiting factor, more than car balance.

When television emerged, it opened up many avenues for actors like me, but after a point, it also became very limiting.

I don't set goals. Competing with a number in your head can be limiting, and I don't know what my capabilities are yet.

I do respond to the ideas behind the Eurovision and 'The X Factor,' but they're both so limiting and very, very shallow.

There's been enough building of fences with labels trying to categorize artists, limiting artists' ability to be themselves.

Any time you choose not to hide your tattoo, you're limiting your social sphere, because they're not popular in big business.

I think, for an actor, variety is the spice of life. They should do all kinds of roles, so I don't believe in limiting myself.

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