You have to keep your long hair.

I had long hair when I was a teenager.

I am just old-fashioned enough to prefer long hair.

I can't imagine having long hair anymore; it's weird.

I was probably the only kid in school that had long hair.

Long hair doesn't look good on me because my hair is fine.

I've always had long hair and it's something I'm proud of.

I don't envy people with long hair. So, I'm glad mine is gone.

I used to have really long hair. It was a big fro with mad curls.

I don't have anything against long hair. I've known some crew-cut bums.

I'm much more conspicuous having long hair than I will be with it short.

Long hair is an unpardonable offence which should be punishable by death.

I never had long hair before I got busted. I never had a beard before I got busted.

I would wear flamboyant clothes and long hair, and most singers at the time didn't.

I wasn't making it with the violin because I was playing all of the 'long hair' stuff.

I can't imagine going back to long hair. Cutting it was the greatest thing I ever did.

From sixth grade on I was a real Pillsbury doughboy. Overweight, long hair, thick glasses.

I've had long hair, I've had short hair, and I've had in between hair... and its all good.

Hair is a huge part of who I am and what I obsess over - I've had long hair my entire life.

I at least have to cut my hair. I can't do the whole man bun, funky long hair thing anymore.

I always had long hair. When you lose it, you realise just how important it is to your identity.

Michael Hayes was the one that brought me up to be part of ECW. I had long hair, a braided goatee.

I was in my hippie stage. It was tough for my father. First it was the long hair, then the bubbles.

People say women shouldn't have long hair over a certain age, but I've never done what everyone says.

I have long hair because I'm American Indian. I'm an Oklahoma boy, and I'm very proud of my heritage.

With summer in Chennai, I am struggling with my long hair. I do my own hair-dos which are comfortable.

I think I'm more approachable with long hair. When it's short, I come across as being artsy and weird.

I always tell people that I went through long hair. I was a typical art school scruff. It was good then.

If I have long hair, I go for more... fitting, like a miniskirt dress or a very tight black leather outfit.

Having long hair has allowed me to enter orthodox or religiously conservative situations with slightly more ease.

The Beatles set the rules. And the rules were: now just because we have long hair doesn't mean that we're rebellious.

The short hair fits my personality more. I think maybe, with long hair, it was a role - I was playing dress-up a bit.

I love to keep my hair long, and I think every lady should have long hair. After all, it looks so feminine and beautiful.

I wanted to get a cropped hairdo, but Sreenu Vaitla loves my look in 'Chiruta,' so he suggested that I keep the long hair.

I always thought we had more in common with punk than with anything else, but we had long hair, so we didn't fit in that box.

A lot of people knew at the national tournaments that I was a big puncher. We were known as 'Samson,' the boy with the long hair.

If you're an L.C.N. guy, you don't have facial hair and you don't have long hair. You have to be neat all the time. It's the rule.

I've got the long hair and kind of androgynous look. It's love-hate; it's sexy, but not sexy. So it's either you get it or you don't.

You know, if I tell the press that I like long blonde hair, the next day there will be girls with long hair wigs outside waiting for me.

I feel women with long hair have a completely different charm - they can attract more attention and if I may say so, they look so Indian!

My long hair and the sideburns made me stand out, really, because my hairstyle was completely different to the other footballers of that era.

I have always been an admirer of Feli, Feli Lopez. He's just - I mean, every time - he's, like, fit and good and his long hair and the beard.

I think I look really weird with short hair. So I figured if I've got a mustache, I think it looks less creepy with long hair. Like a wild look.

I think I am at my best when my hair is short. It's easier to take care of and more of who I am. Women are conditioned to think we need long hair.

Long hair is a security blanket for me. I cut it short a few years ago and I really never want to do that again. When I do cut it, I cut it myself.

I wanted long hair my whole life. When I was a little kid, my mom would be like, 'We get our hair cut once a month.' So I just always got my hair cut.

I wanted to be Cher for a long time, but not for the singing. I just thought she was so cool. I wanted her long hair, and I wanted to weigh five pounds.

My hair is way, way long. I've hitchhiked across the country a zillion times. I've ridden in every car. I was never a hippie. It takes more than long hair.

It's disrespectful to the older generation to have long hair. They fought in two world wars; they didn't fight for us to grow our hair and look like girls.

I used to have long hair and get it done every two weeks, and it was never worth it to me. I would just walk out of the salon and put it in a ponytail anyway.

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