I love positivity. I'm always saying, 'Well done' - maybe too often, in fact.

I'd love to be a comedian. I've done a lot, but always in the confines of plays.

Oh yeah, I'd love to be a comedian. I've done a lot, but always in the confines of plays.

I think Hong Kong has always had this tradition of custom-made suits, which I've never done but love the idea of.

Vulnerability is huge. I love to see that in characters. It's something I feel like a lot of my comedic heroes have always done.

I don't wear makeup on the court, but I always wear sunblock. I love getting done up and wearing makeup away from the court though!

I love being on camera. And I love knowing what's going on in the world. Diane Sawyer is my favorite. She never seems to lower herself to get the job done. She just always carries herself well. I really admire her.

I'm way flashier on Instagram and Snapchat because I feel like that's what people want to see, and that's I've always done, so I'm not going to stop. People want to see my cars and my purses. People love fashion. But that's so not me.

Reshoots are par for the course on any film. For me, I kind of love it because, as an actor, you always feel that there was a way you could have done it differently. Being able to go back and do some stuff again is always a blessing in my eyes.

As athletes, we love to say, 'Just one more; I'm going to figure it out on this next one.' It's tough to pull back the reins and do what is smart physically, listening to your body and always ending a workout or session feeling like I could have done more.

I love being scared, and I always have done. When I was younger, I was always reading books about the paranormal, UFOs, and crop circles. I liked the idea of people seeing faces in walls and twins that could communicate with each other telepathically. I really believed it, too!

I always love being an actor for the simple fact that, whenever you do a job, you have to read a lot of stuff that you've never read before; you explore things, and generally you meet experts in lots of fields, and you get to absorb that information and make it look like you've done it for 20 years.

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