I wanted to be a comedian.

A lot of comedians are selfish.

Look at what you could have won!

I always wanted to be a comedian.

Architects are the new comedians.

I'm a comedian, not a politician.

I'm not a comedian, I'm an actor.

I don't do drama. I'm a comedian.

Music takes us where words cannot.

I consider Lena Dunham a comedian.

I am not a comedian, I am an actor.

I don't think I was a good comedian.

I know a lot about Jewish comedians.

A lot of people think I'm a comedian.

Comedians are the nearest to suicide.

There are way too many comedians now.

In real life, comedians aren't funny.

I didn't really want to be a comedian.

I'm trying to be a comedian, you know?

I love standup comedians. I really do.

I don't think of myself as a comedian.

Good comedians are great philosophers.

I didn't really want to be a comedian.

I'm not just a pundit - I'm a comedian.

I love comedians. They're my community.

The comedian just wants to get a laugh.

I spent 25 years as a stand-up comedian.

I'm not for everyone. I'm barely for me.

I'm a standup comedian, so I need people.

I'm never going to be an improv comedian.

I always wanted to be a popular comedian.

I don't have credibility, I'm a comedian.

Jews have a tendency to become comedians.

I was an actor before becoming a comedian.

It takes many years to be a great comedian.

I think Flip Wilson is a brillant comedian.

I always wanted to be a comedian and actor.

You have to be delusional to be a comedian.

I'm funny. I'm a comedian. I'm not a clown.

It is better to look good than to feel good.

My goal is just to become a better comedian.

Hey man! I'm a comedian but I'm not a clown.

In general, comedians are attracted to vice.

It really helps a comedian to be an outsider.

I didn't become a comedian to work this hard.

I just think of myself as a comedian, really.

They're the darkest people I know, comedians.

I never thought I was going to be a comedian.

Seth Meyers is highly overrated as a comedian.

It's good to be funny when you are a comedian.

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