Oh, yeah, I'm all about ritual.

Oh yeah, I'm motivated. Always.

Oh yeah, the 'Chef' movie was awesome.

Oh yeah, I'm an Essex boy and proud of it.

Oh, yeah, I've seen 'Seinfeld' 1,000 times.

Oh yeah, I've got a good relationship with Marshmello.

Oh yeah, I'm still employed at Pixar and I love it here.

Oh yeah, I've been in therapy in and out of my whole life.

Oh yeah, I'm a huge romance fan. And some women like action.

Oh yeah, I know Johnnie Bassett. We were part of that whole thing.

I don't want to sing, you know: 'oh yeah, I love you baby, you love me too.'

Oh yeah, I'm about to host the Genies, which are the Canadian Academy Awards.

Oh yeah, our first tour in Europe they wouldn't give me the time off from work.

Oh yeah, we all write. That's what's great about when you have basics in piano.

The black comedians meeting? Oh yeah, we hold one every year at Eddie Murphy's house.

Oh yeah, I'd love to be a comedian. I've done a lot, but always in the confines of plays.

Oh yeah, dancing's part of my soul. I enjoy it, it makes people happy, and it makes me happy.

I did almost two years on 'One Life to Live,' so I was thinking, 'Oh yeah, I'm an actor now.'

Oh yeah, that was the thing to do at that time. This was before the new wave of bebop started.

I know guys in the league say, 'Oh yeah, I love X, Y, Z city.' But man, I genuinely love Utah.

We give you characters we'd feel very comfortable judging, and then go: 'Oh yeah? Watch this'.

Oh yeah, I love Peter Gabriel's stuff. I mean, I even have the Genesis records. He's incredible.

Oh yeah, 100%, I've been an open book. Even my whole career, I've kind of been like an open book.

Oh yeah, I would have been a coal miner, I would think, if I hadn't had tuberculosis when I was 12.

I'm the kind of person that, if someone says, 'Oh yeah, you can't do that,' I want to then go do it.

My wallet is full of change. I'm like, Why is this bag so heavy? Oh, yeah. It's the $100 in quarters!

Oh yeah, 'Starship Troopers' was one of the best experiences of my life, and I made some lifelong friends.

I'm a bit of a pessimist, oh yeah, and I always think the film I'm about to make is going to be a disaster.

Oh, yeah, I've always thought of covering some of my influences like Billy Joel, Elton John, Stevie Wonder.

You don't make a case for reparations thinking, 'Oh yeah, people are gonna love this.' I didn't see that coming.

Whenever I passed by a Chinese restaurant in a car, I'd joke to my friends, 'Oh yeah, my uncle owns that place.'

We've been around for awhile, had a lot of success. Got a chance to sit around and go, 'Oh, yeah, we're pretty good.'

I did not want to write one of those sequels that famous first-book authors get into where everybody says, 'Oh yeah.'

I used to tell people I was a comic and they'd be fascinated. Now all you get is: 'Oh yeah, my cousin Steve's a comic.'

I have a personality type, but it's not like I'm like, 'Oh yeah, short and brunette. That's what I like. All the time.'

In L.A., fat people are mythical. We're like Big Foot. 'Oh, yeah, my cousin knows someone who's fat.' Nobody's fat in L.A.

I just watched a ton of comedy and saw a ton of different styles, and eventually you think, 'Oh, yeah, I could be like that.'

Oh, yeah - I could see myself as a catch and shooter, come off curls and shooting. I really feel good about shooting the ball.

Do I perform sometimes in a manic style? Yes. Am I manic all the time? No. Do I get sad? Oh yeah. Does it hit me hard? Oh yeah.

I've never looked at myself and thought, 'Oh yeah, I'm sexy'. I've felt sexy and confident, but I don't look at myself that way.

I love that my music is connecting with people, but I don't think there'll be a point where I feel like, 'Oh yeah, I'm famous now.'

The fact that I didn't believe in God was something that I just didn't consider. And then when I did, it was like, 'Oh yeah, I'm out.'

If I'm ever feeling uninspired, all I have to do is go see Exodus or Arch Enemy, and think 'Oh yeah, that's what we're doing this for.'

You just need an opportunity and then you yourself have to do a good job, and then you hope that people go, 'Oh yeah, I forgot about her.'

Did I run real swindles? Oh, yeah. I mean, I started as a - on the street. I did not begin as a performer. I began running the shell game.

The loyalty rate isn't that high. I could have a big hit, then put out the next single, and they say, Oh yeah, who are you? Prove it again.

I was in a hotel with my dad, and I was just joking around and said, 'Oh yeah, Daddy, I want to model.' I don't know - the camera is just fun.

I'm in favour of politicians having extra-marital relationships. Oh yeah. It makes them more understanding of the flaws that the rest of us have.

Oh yeah; I love when I'm writing something that makes me cry - that's so cool. If it got me to do that, it's going to get someone else to do that.

Oh yeah, that's the Holy Grail, Pirates of the Caribbean. Johnny Depp, he's the real deal, isn't he? He doesn't get the girl, and he doesn't care.

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