A good love story always keeps the pot boiling.

Whatever is done for love always occurs beyond good and evil.

It's always good to feel the love from the fans and see familiar faces.

I love playing bad guys; they're always much more fun than the good guy.

I love doing collaborations - it's always good to do something that's out the box.

I've always found that I personally love to observe things, and I'm good at observing things.

I have always had an instinct for doing new things. Call it good or bad, I love to experiment.

Love always brings difficulties, that is true, but the good side of it is that it gives energy.

It always feels good to come back here. I love New York... it's just nice to see a lot of familiar faces.

The good part of having six kids is, there's always one who wants to hug you and say, 'Daddy, I love you.'

I was a bodyguard for somebody I love. That's not a good combination. I was always ready to beat somebody up.

I love the Beatles. Now I know I'm a good few decades late on this one, but I've always been behind the curve.

I love to cook a meal for the so-called holidays. You always need the turkey. I like making a good BBQ brisket as well.

I always love a song about London or about places. I think Britain could do with more of them; America is so good at that.

Surround yourself with good people who encourage and love you. There are always ups and downs, no matter how successful you are.

I personally love Essie because they're such a good brush, and it's so easy to apply. I always go red. If I'm in doubt, I go red.

I feel tired, but in general, I do love being pregnant and always feel pretty good. I'm lucky. I always hear, like, horror stories.

I love to play. And fortunately, I don't know a lot of musicians that suck. I know a bunch of really good ones, and they're always up for playing.

There are a lot of artists that I love, and I think they're really talented, and they're good dancers as well. I've always wished that I could combine that.

It's crazy, everytime I've played in New Orleans' stadium, it's always big-time, it's always a good vibe and I just love the indoor environment, the black, the entire environment.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good cardigan too, but a jacket - especially one with sharp shoulders, interesting buttons, or a unique collar - always looks the most fashion-forward.

As far as my sketches, I've always loved 'What's Up With That.' It's just a whole lot of fun, and I love 'Black Jeopardy,' too. Any kind of host capacity, I'm usually pretty good at.

When you're not playing the hero of the story, then you have to know that you're always a foil for the good guy. I love playing that. I think that's always an interesting place to be.

I always wanted to play cricket, and I have played competitive cricket to a fairly good level. I remember that my father used to come and watch me play. He used to love watching me play.

Read my letter to the old folks, and give my love to them, and tell my brothers to be always watching unto prayer, and when the good old ship of Zion comes along, to be ready to step aboard.

There's a bunch of Stephen King books I love. 'Salem's Lot' was always one of my favourites. 'It.' 'Needful Things.' Moving away from King, and 'Silence of the Lambs' is always a good choice.

I have been at Palace for more than 10 years. I will always love the club, and I want to help get them back to the Premier League, particularly for the fans who have always been so good to me.

The kind of people that love 'The Rocketeer' are the kind of people that love good storytelling and innocence and a better world, so to speak, so they're almost always nice people to bump into.

I don't think anything connects with an audience as deeply as a long-form serialized drama, and much as I love television, I've always found a good ongoing comics series to be much more immersive.

I love kale. Genuinely. I really am glad that I have a platform to express that. I think a good raw kale salad is always just a meaty mouth feel. I also really like kelp noodle pasta with a little kale on top.

I've always enjoyed disappearing into a crowd in New York. As an actor, I love to spy, and it's hard to be a good spy if everyone is looking at you. Also, I'm pretty shy. I don't really like a lot of attention.

I made a good living in the UFC. This isn't a negative thing. I'll always love the UFC. I still do 'UFC Now,' and I love breaking down the fights, and I never miss anything, and if they need anything, they know who to call.

I always get asked for suggestions on what to get food-lover friends. While there are many gifts out there that a foodie would love, it's always good to do some research beforehand so you know you're getting a gift that will last.

Heartbreak has definitely been a big inspiration for me. You can write about a bad situation and just feel so much better afterwards. For me it's very therapeutic. But love in general - even when it's good - is always very inspiring.

I just sing. But I have a fun hobby: I love to do archery. I'm pretty good on target. I'm not sure about the distances - maybe only 7 or 10 feet, so far, but I've scored the bull's eye several times, but usually always hit the target.

There is always something happening at Schalke. I love the extremes. When we have bad runs, the atmosphere is really bad and you feel that. But you know, when you are on a good run again, it just tops everything - then it is just super!

I always have a good quality extra virgin olive oil. A cheap quality oil will end up cheapening your dishes. And I love sweetening my dishes with maple syrup. It has a bit of a bitter kick at the end that works wonderfully in savory dishes.

Well you always have your favourites, and least favourites, I'm generally a cardio person, I love running that's what I enjoy the most from everything that I do, and swimming is the least favourite and the toughest for me because I'm not so good at it!

I really gravitate toward having all different styles in my closet because I feel like I always want to dress to fit my mood or where I am going. I do love Jason Wu; he is also a really good friend of mine, and I love what he is doing for Hugo Boss these days.

The drive was brief and the conversation limited, but oh, what a legacy of love! Father never read to me from the Bible about the good Samaritan. Rather, he took me with him and Uncle Elias in that old 1928 Oldsmobile and provided a living lesson I have always remembered.

Being a celebrity you always get really good seats to sporting events but you never get as good seats as the photographers get. And I really love sports. So one of the scams I have going now is I want to learn sports photography so I can get better seats at a sporting event.

And I could always count on that day because, those who love good Jet's Pizza understand that one slice of Jet's Pizza is like 400 calories. So I knew if I ate 8-10 slices, I would be able to maintain my weight for that week and basically kind of boost it for our weigh-in on Friday.

I think it's not really difficult to write about love. We've been saying the same thing over and over for so many years. But it depends on how honest it is and how good you make it feel. You can say 'I love you' in a trillion ways, and it can always sound different or feel different.

I like suits. I mean, I always feel good in a suit; I'm more of a suit guy than a shirt-and-jeans-type guy, probably. You know, like, I love Brad Goresky's style. And sometimes he'll wear a pair of, like, leopard pants, and I'm like, I couldn't pull that off, but I appreciate it from afar.

One of the dark truths about dictators - and it applies to Gaddafi - is that on some level, they love their people. But it is a strange love. It says, 'I love you for me; I don't love you for you.' That rhymes with a certain kind of Libyan father who was always certain about what was good for those around him. Those fathers lose in the end.

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