People love stories; they use stories to make sense of the world.

I love Harry Styles. He's one of the nicest people in the entire world.

I love interesting people with eccentric stories and outsiders of the world.

It is a big world that we live in, and people have a choice to love who they love.

An enchanted love, an awakened love, between two people is a blessing on the entire world.

I doubt that most people with short-term thinking love the natural world enough to save it.

It would be my intention that everybody should have love, and there are a lot of people in the world.

I love being able to perform in the ring in front of people, and that's the greatest feeling in the world.

The moral is that a career can be gone in an instant. And all you have in this world are the people you love.

I don't know about the rest of the world, but America loves redemption. They love giving people second chances.

Our Feast gatherings, which has spread all over the world, is attended by young people - and they love to sing worship songs.

I'm one of the luckiest people in the world that I was able to do what I fell in love with and be able to make a living doing it.

There's a lot of people in the world that would love to trade places with American citizens, and we are very fortunate to be here.

My goal is always transformation. I love to watch people transform their lives, which includes their inner world and their outer world.

I love people with strong convictions, because we are living in a very PC world. You can't crack a joke without it being in the headlines.

I love Canadians. I think we make an impact around the world just when people meet us, and whenever I meet another Canadian, I see it as well.

You're always going to have detractors, and you're always going to have people who love you, and that's how it's perfectly balanced and the world spins on.

I did beef ads for about eight years because I love the people in that industry, and there are a lot of people who make their living in the beef world. Ranchers, primarily.

You don't want people rooting for anything other than the team that they love and the players that they think the world of to win. We don't want there to be another agenda.

Oh, I love to lie. That's one of my favorite things in the world, coming up to somebody, especially press people, and telling them some enormous lie that couldn't possibly be true.

I just want to inspire people to love other people and be accepting because I feel like there's so much going on in the world, and there's so many pressures, and there's so much negativity.

If you were going through your attic and found a Van Gogh, what would you do? You wouldn't put it in your bathroom; you'd want to share it with the world because you know people will love it.

I absolutely love Canada, and I wouldn't live anywhere else. It's half American and half European, and I really enjoy that. And the people are just fantastic - nicer than any people in the world.

I've developed a habit of people-watching. In Paris, I love watching all kinds of people walking by from my apartment terrace, and while I'm traveling the world, I enjoy observing all the people in airports.

Ever since I won the world title I've been getting so much love from my people, from a lot of different people. But I know the hunger remains there because I don't want to let my people down or my kids down.

Yeah, I'm a giver. I've learned to be selective of the people in my world, because if I love someone, I will give them my blood, whatever they need. In doing so, one can end up with little left for themselves.

People have been known to joke that my lifelong love of portal fantasies was born, at least in part, from the fact that stepping into my private spaces is a little like stepping through a portal into another world.

I think people should be authentic and who they are. If that calls people to same-sex attraction and same-sex marriage, then they should be true to who they are, and I think that the world could benefit by more love.

I would love to win the Champions League once again. Winning big trophies like the Champions League or the World Cup is usually making people think, 'The players are not hungry any more.' Still, that's not what I feel.

There are some areas of the world, and some areas in America, where people love full jewelry suites. That's never been something that I've gravitated toward, but I will create special collections for people who like that.

People still do fall in and out of love and can and cannot express what they feel and are very much pained because the person they love is with somebody else. That's happening the whole world over, and I think it always has been.

I find that I'm really attracted to mysterious creatives, and I love people that are able to put their emotions out there for not just the world to see, but just that are giving of their emotions, but a little bit mysterious and elusive as well.

I've never bothered about my color. I never had that thing about being black. If the whole world was like that, maybe there would be more harmony and love. Maybe. I don't have a problem with being black in a white country or being with my people.

When you call someone and ask them to do something they've never done before, in different mediums I think they would be inclined to pass because they're afraid of the risk. But the creative people who populate the theater world love the challenge of new things.

If there are two kinds of people in the world - DC Comics people and Marvel Comics people - what kind am I? Well, to be honest... I'm a Wildstorm kinda guy. In the interest of full and fair disclosure, I write for Wildstorm. But even if I didn't, I'd love what they do. No, seriously, I'd love their stuff.

People deal with grief in many different ways. And some people in show business parade their relationships around like an accessory, and others like to keep it separate from business and commerce. It's perfectly fine to say, 'I actually don't want to talk about my love because that's not part of the fantasy world I created in commerce.'

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