I don't watch 'Mad Men.'

I've never seen 'Mad Men.'

I'm a big fan of 'Mad Men.'

I was a huge 'Mad Men' fan.

A mad man sees what he sees.

I love 'Mad Men' & 'Nip Tuck.'

One never knows how loyalty is born.

I've been watching Mad Men since day one.

There's nothing I don't love about 'Mad Men.'

'Mad Men' introduced me to the power of fashion.

'Mad Men' has been my big break. I'm beyond thrilled.

'Mad Men' is celebrating a time that no longer exists.

I've enjoyed watching 'Lost.' I'm a big fan of 'Mad Men.'

Like all mad men, I thought everyone was mad except myself.

I never stepped foot into a Brooks Brothers before 'Mad Men.'

I do feel like the end of 'Mad Men' is a sort of a coming of age.

I secretly wish I had experienced advertising in the 'Mad Men' period.

Please, with the God talk. Hate to break it to you, but there is no God.

I always liked the 'Mad Men' philosophy where people don't really change.

The producers of 'Mad Men,' you know, think I hate their show, which is true.

I watch 'Mad Men,' I knit scarves, I cook and am very, very normal. Honestly.

I don't have a lot of money. I get some from Mad Men. But I don't think I'm rich.

I drive past the Mad Men billboard every day and I can't believe I'm on that show.

Nobody ever recognizes me from 'Mad Men,' because they darken my hair a little bit.

With 'Mad Men,' you feel like you're a member of Seal Team Six when you're shooting.

'Mad Men' was one of the first shows where Netflix was the first syndication window.

Being on 'The Sopranos' definitely prepared me for the militant secrecy of 'Mad Men.'

You don't really see too many straight friendships between men and women on 'Mad Men.'

Believe it or not, there's a lot of humor in 'Mad Men.' Especially in the dark moments.

I guess maybe someone at 'Dexter' saw the 'Mad Men' stuff and thought, 'He can do this.'

I'd love to do something on 'Mad Men' and 'Boardwalk Empire.' I really like period stuff.

I like 'Mad Men,' and I think 'The Killing' is pretty great too. I like 'Brothers & Sisters.'

I watch very selective television. I watch 'Mad Men,' and I usually watch a season at a time.

I spent seven seasons on 'Mad Men,' playing what became considered a very feminist character.

I was a switchboard operator on the first season of 'Mad Men.' I was the oldest and bitterest.

One of the shows I would very much love to be a part of is 'Mad Men' - walking around that office.

I loved that television show Mad Men because it really was a reminder of what reality was back then.

In the industry, I got a lot of attention for 'Mad Men,' because everyone in the industry watches it.

There are many Broadway songs that apply to moments on 'Mad Men,' and I sing them on set all the time.

I've never directed anything before 'Mad Men,' so I don't feel I have any advice for the other directors.

I really enjoy 'Mad Men,' but I'm hugely into 'Homeland.' The characters are very well drawn and complex.

The way we dress on 'Mad Men' is so associated with old photographs, with people's parents and grandparents.

I don't know what 'Mad Men' has done for my fan base. I didn't know that I still had a fan base, to be honest.

To be quite honest, my fans growing up were my friends' parents. Like, 30-plus was, like, 'Mad Men' age group.

I did Shakespeare in college and the nerves I got doing Shakespeare are the same nerves I get doing 'Mad Men.'

As far as the 'Mad Men' thing, I love 'Mad Men.' It's one of my favorite shows; I think it's an amazing series.

You know, 'Mad Men' is notoriously secretive with its plotlines, even with exposing them to actors on the show.

I'd love to do something on 'Mad Men.' Or play Peter Dinklage's cousin on 'Game of Thrones.' That would be fun.

'Mad Men' was really my first television role, and it never feels like TV to me. It's done at such a high level.

If you look at 'Mad Men,' it's set in the wrong decade. The style of Mad Men is really the 1950s, not the 1960s.

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