I never knew that people made a club for me!

A poem is a small machine made out of words.

All the poems of our lives are not yet made.

Ambition must be made to counteract ambition.

I made a living out of singing Mexican music.

A lion is made up of the lambs he's digested.

I am made of awesome." Kaia the Wing Shredder

I am what I am because I have made myself so.

Many a false step was made by standing still.

I've never made a secret of my homosexuality.

The church was made for mission-God's mission

You are made in the image of what you desire.

Childhood is but change made gay and visible.

Even in the best of lives, mistakes are made.

I never made a film which fully satisfied me.

roads were made for journeys not destinations

Nobody responds to being made to feel judged.

We make choices and are in turn made by them.

By Baptism we are made flesh of the Crucified

I'm proud of myself. I like the way I'm made.

Imagination, not intelligence, made us human.

there's no defense except all the errors made

I had never made any plans beyond basketball.

Promises and pie-crust are made to be broken.

Art is made to trouble but science reassures.

This book was made possible by the letter “ø.

If I'm a star, then the people made me a star.

Our names were made for us in another century.

His laugh is made if porch swings and lemonade

Will Ferrell's made a lot of brilliant movies.

The records made money, but I didn't get none.

What once made you safe now drives you insane.

You cannot manage a decision you haven't made.

A garden is half made when it is well planned.

I made up my mind, but I made it up both ways.

The British have always made terrible parents.

Paparazzi always made me really uncomfortable.

A culture, we all know, is made by its cities.

There is no road, the road is made by walking.

The world's greatest changes are made at home.

The state was made for man, not man for state.

I am what the universe made me to be, my dear.

I have seen the universe! It is made of poems!

Not everything's made to win an Academy Award.

I am made of earth, and my song made of words.

You made a sacrifice. And heaven rewarded you.

Whatever you are made of, be the best of that.

The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

I assume these structures are made for siting?

I feel like I made a little bit of difference.

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