When Thierry Henry was U19 coach at Arsenal he gave me a lot of advice. His main thing was staying grounded.

I think I'm very calm in adversity, always remaining calm, and I don't panic. I think that's the main thing.

I love playing live; that's the main thing. But I hate being in the studio. It's the most boring thing ever.

My main thing is just to keep writing. I've been doing some songwriting that's for my own record, I suppose.

These are all elements, but the main thing we can do in the Middle East is encourage the reformist elements.

The main thing experience has taught me is that one has to sort of hone their relationship to time, you know.

The main thing for a bowler is his wrist position, and that, as I've said before, is something I'm working on.

It doesn't matter if you start the game: as long as you finish it well and the team wins, that's the main thing.

Once you believe in yourself, you can pretty much do whatever you want in my opinion, so that is the main thing.

We are beginning to see that money, after all, is not the main thing. The real values cannot be bought and sold.

I think the most important thing is to play to help the team, winning the games - that is the main thing for me.

The main thing going through my head when I step out onto any show is: 'Don't mess it up, Emma, don't mess it up.'

I'm a really, really optimistic and really, really positive person. My main thing is, 'Enjoy life. Celebrate life.'

Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.

Renewables is part of social responsibility, but the information revolution is the only main thing I am interested in.

Most people I work with are older than me and the main thing I've learnt is that everyone is a dumb as an 18-year-old.

And the main thing was that I wanted to live in south Florida. That's why I left the Cowboys; to live in south Florida.

The main thing that you learn in grad school, or should learn, is how to think like an economist. The rest is just math.

I think the main thing that I've learned while working on 'Let's Stay Together' is how to balance mommyhood and working.

The main thing is, I can't stay up late partying when I'm on tour. That's not good for my voice or my health in general.

The main thing is that the 'C' is silent, so it kind of starts with a 'Z.' Z-O-O-K-RIE. It's Ukrainian, on my dad's side.

I think the main thing which boygenius and I talk about ad nauseum, is that I feel like I just apologise for myself less.

The main thing for me was that I wanted to be able to decide when my international career would end after 10 years myself.

If you get into emotions, then it disturbs your work. Sometimes you focus on what's less important and not the main thing.

To defeat the aggressors is not enough to make peace durable. The main thing is to discard the ideology that generates war.

You've got to trust in your own ability, back yourself, and the main thing is work really, really hard and fight to improve.

The main thing is dancing, and before it withers away from my body, I will keep dancing till the last moment, the last drop.

Fans were booing me at one point. I just kept working, that's the main thing. I'm not going to let that deteriorate my game.

My dad is a big dreamer, so I got that from him. Golf was my main thing when I was a teenager, and that's what I wanted to do.

But the main thing is to give people permission to feel it and to put grief at the heart of what Extinction Rebellion's about.

I realise things aren't going to go my way every week. Of course they're not. But the main thing is to give your all and enjoy.

Letting go of things and not being afraid of being ridiculous or over the top - I think that's the main thing for me to work on.

Throughout the whole team, you have important players, but the main thing is the collective. It is the only way to get trophies.

My main thing is obviously mental health and well-being, and then my second passion would be politics; the third would be fashion.

I don't push my voice; I try to keep a good technique, a natural way of singing, to sing from the breath, which is the main thing.

The main thing is I've tried to get better at everything - that includes the attacking side, being a threat, and taking people on.

Coming into my second year, my main thing is to show growth - show that I can be consistent and play at a high level all the time.

The main thing is to keep it simple, keep it real, be honest and pull no stunts. You can't forget where you started and came from.

The main thing I look for in a recipe is taste, which is different from caterers and restaurants, who first ask 'How does it look?'

I think that the main thing that you can learn from watching 'The Spectacular Now' is just learning about growing up and moving on.

I do know that the key to anything good is feeling relaxed and free. That's the main thing that you can offer yourself as an actor.

You've got to stay current and up with the competition. The main thing, though, is finding the greatest songs you can possibly find.

You can get caught up in a lot of things playing for Liverpool. The main thing is to stay grounded. That's something I won't forget.

Main thing, really, is I write songs the way I wanna hear them and the way I think the people that come to our shows wanna hear them.

My main thing is being comfortable and looking like myself. But to be honest, what I wear is pretty much the last thing I think about.

The main thing is just really to play my game... and while you are playing the match, as it goes along, you kind of figure things out.

The main thing was metal was scary. But thanks to Babymetal and being exposed to different types of music, we've learned to love metal.

You never know how much you can do in practice because you never know if you're going to play or not, but the main thing is stay ready.

Above anything else - above family or job - the main thing is staying sober. That's because without being sober, I don't have a family.

New Orleans has these older orange lightbulbs, which are really gorgeous. But the main thing that stands out is actually the Superdome.

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