Growing up, the main thing I was ashamed of was my voice. It is very effeminate.

I don't care about how many records I sell, but the main thing is people like it.

You need to control the country, and the main thing is not to ruin people's lives.

The main thing in making art often is letting go of your expectation and your idea.

The main thing I got from growing up in a suburb is the boredom you have as a child.

We must take every game as serious as we can, no complacency, that's the main thing.

The main thing about being a producer and not a beatmaker, the difference is the ear.

The main thing I say on war is that we need to obey the law and formally declare war.

If revenge motivates you, go for it! But the main thing is to set your game in order.

The main thing is to care. Care very hard, even if it is only a game you are playing.

The main thing is to score a goal in the first half. Then everything will be possible.

One Direction is the main thing I'm doing and I'm 100 per cent dedicated to the group.

I still love playing live, and I love doing records, but writing songs is my main thing.

The main thing about the Globe is there's 700 people all standing right in front of you.

The main thing for me now is figure skating, which I intend to devote more than one year.

My main thing over the years is to try to get on a team and be on a team that wins games.

People find it confusing I'm in a band, even though music was my main thing before acting.

The main thing that I learned from my horrible job experiences was how horrible they were.

I think the main thing to remember when writing a novel is to stay true to the characters.

The main thing I've done for my children is not to give them a stupid name, like actors do.

I think the main thing is to give your best regardless of whether you're the captain or not.

Music is still my main thing, but I will explore anything that's interesting and challenging.

I'm at peace with myself. The main thing is not letting people dictate what I do or what I am.

I've still got my senses about me, and I know what's right and wrong, which is the main thing.

I like food, like any other guy, but it is not the main thing in my life. I can do without it.

The main thing for me - as a leader, anyway, is that you perform well. That's most of the battle.

You always gonna feel me. That's my main thing. When I'm speaking in my music, you gotta feel me.

The main thing about doing a comedy is that you spend most of your days really happy and laughing.

I'd love to do theater. I've done so many plays in my life. I still think of that as my main thing.

The main thing about writing is... writing. Sitting your butt down in the chair and doing the work.

The main thing for me is getting in the starting eleven and making an impact whenever I can come on.

The main thing I do now is I coach kids, and all of these stories along the way are based in reality.

The main thing for me is to make sure our home is peaceful, that it's healthy, that the kids are good.

I would like to think I can win a trophy or two, but the main thing for me is to focus on consistency.

I don't know much about football. I know what a goal is, which is surely the main thing about football.

A lot of the time, a comedy script is just dialogue, and that's the main thing you have to worry about.

Obviously I need a coach, but it's not the main thing in my team. I can play good even without a coach.

For me, the main thing is that I continually improve my game and make sure I keep setting the bar high.

The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is, just be nice to everyone and always smile.

That's the main thing that attracts me - characters who have big journeys. I like playing those people.

I've never really been a numbers guy... I like to score, for sure... but my main thing is I want to win.

However one reaches the parks, the main thing is to slow down and absorb the natural wonders at leisure.

More people know who I am, but I don't feel any different within myself - I think that's the main thing.

I think the main thing I'd bring to Chewbacca is middle-aged spread. Chewbacca has looked after himself.

One of the great joys in life is reading, yet it's the main thing people say they don't have time to do.

I think the main thing was that the character couldn't speak in regular language, so he had to be mimed.

The main thing during a crisis is discipline, to begin investing in time again after the crisis subsides.

Equality, equality, equality. I'm all about equality, that's the main thing and the only thing I'm about.

I think the main thing about comedy and humor is that it's impossible and always was impossible to define.

The main thing I learned in jail was how much I love my kids, that I never want to be away from them again.

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