I want to stay alive. Yeah, I want to stay alive. I think that's the main thing. If there's a chance I can live longer, I want to do it.

The main thing people took from 'Night of the Living Dead' was that it was a racial statement movie, and that was completely unintended.

The main thing I worry about with the shoes I wear is comfort. What you're comfortable wearing is what you're going to play your best in.

I was a guy that had a lot of tools and could do a lot of other things, but my main thing was controlling the defensive end of the court.

The main thing is being consistent, being efficient and getting good looks, moving the ball when you can and knocking down my free throws.

The main thing I don't like about myself is an absurd level of self-consciousness that makes any sort of social encounter an ordeal for me.

As long as the crowd make noise, I will be in my element, whether it is booing or cheering. The main thing is I get a reaction of some kind.

The main thing a poem ought to be is musical. It should be rhythmic. You should hear it as a musical piece in your head as you're writing it.

The main thing is to have strings to your bow. You get your badges, you see where life is, and then you see what things come your way, if any.

The main thing about being captain is keeping your own performance good, and then everything else should fall into place off the back of that.

Over the years, people I've met have often asked me what I'm working on, and I've usually replied that the main thing was a book about Dresden.

I have my family, which is my main thing; the organization; a modeling career. All these things are important, but family definitely comes first.

We have to cut out some of our mistakes, but the main thing in English football is controlling the second ball. Without that, you cannot survive.

I might not be producing that much with the ball in my hands, but my fakes, my jet sweeps, it's doing numbers, and that's the main thing about it.

Technique is the main thing when it comes to success at the top level. The sound temperament comes into work only when you have a sound technique.

I love a sandwich that you can barely fit in your mouth because there's so much stuff on it. The bread should not be the main thing on a sandwich.

The main thing with my shows is that I'm professional but not highly polished. I don't like people to think they're just seeing an album in person.

Obviously, I am an attacking player, so when you are an attacking player, you need to create goals and get goals - and that's the main thing for me.

We felt it was very important for an entity like CCTV to make its presence felt... To generate a space and to define a space, that is the main thing.

Obviously, being WWE Champion was my main goal in life, but when I started acting, the main thing I wanted to do was play a superhero or supervillain.

The main thing about an endurance challenge is that you have to endure. Not so much physically, but mentally. Your mind gives up first. Not your body.

The main thing is to be in the quarter-finals and it doesn't matter if you play beautiful football or if you're playing ugly football, you have to win.

I think the main thing we can do, whether you agree or not, I don't think that's the real issue, the real issue is this November and there's an election.

I think the main thing a musician would like to do is give a picture to the listener of the many wonderful things he knows of and senses in the universe.

The main thing that endears the United Nations to member governments, and so enables it to survive, is its proven capacity to fail, and to be seen to fail.

The main thing that 99designs is about is choice. It's a fantastic model that eliminates risk for small business owners and puts designers on equal footing.

I don't want to be labeled one thing. My main thing I care about is being able to create the things I want to do with my friends, whatever platform that is.

The main thing I learned in San Diego was I can't do this and compete with the best guys in the world if I'm just doing MMA as a hobby. It has to be my job.

The most important thing is that it's much more fun to play in a band than to be in an audience in a club. That's the main thing I think, that you can do it.

I think I'm in a really nice position, where I'm sure I could do another show if I wanted to do one, but right now the main thing in my mind is writing songs.

The main thing I want to have at the end of my career is to be healthy. But as for people to remember me, I want my fans to remember the type of fights I had.

I'd read things, like people criticizing me. But no one likes to read stuff about that, and probably the main thing that was getting to me was me mum's illness.

I realized very quickly that the main thing that the left was not in favor of was free speech - that there was an intolerance about different ideas and opinions.

The main thing for me was when I won my first title in Kuala Lumpur. That was the biggest step that I made. I made the Top 100, and I've stayed there ever since.

I've always been able to shoot the ball, so it's just about continuing to work on your shot and shoot the ball. That's the main thing. Got to get those shots up.

You don't want to take the world over with a whole hamper full of dirty clothes. That's the main thing people overlook. And take a shower, take a bath every day.

At the end of the day, we love playing football, so that is the main thing. I am doing something that I really love to do. It is a job, but it is a hobby as well.

The main thing that's missing in energy is an incentive to create things that are zero-CO2-emitting and that have the right scale and reliability characteristics.

I think the main thing for young women is to have confidence and not be afraid to challenge continuing inequalities, because that's the only way you'll get change.

My main thing is I'm gonna go out there every night and give it all I got and just try to put on the best show I can. That's just the way I'm programmed and wired.

The main thing I've learned is that we all have to learn to work with - and appreciate - the brain we've been given, and not waste time wishing things were easier.

My main thing is I'm going to compete on every play, try to be focused on both ends of the court. That said, I'll always bring my excitement, my swag, to the game.

Our main thing was playing basketball and just trying to win games. Doing that was a representation of who you are and people wanting to associate themselves with you.

The main thing that excites me is that games are successful everywhere now. Now it's successful everywhere, and that's really important for the health of the industry.

The main thing I hope people see is how passionate I am about my work, and I know people talk about it, but I do work really hard on my stuff, and it means a lot to me.

The main thing for me is I really like strong endings. If there's a strong ending, you can take more time in the beginning, your first act can be really quite different.

You always want to make sure that you're not the weak link. You're surrounded by really talented, great actors and singers, so just staying on your game is the main thing.

The main thing in acting is honesty, to feel the humanity and get to the essence of the character. You can't put anything into a character that you haven't got within you.

Anybody can direct a picture once they know the fundamentals. Directing is not a mystery, it's not an art. The main thing about directing is: photograph the people's eyes.

It's no secret that beauty starts with water. It's just a basic thing - you look better if you drink loads of water. When I'm working, that's definitely the main thing I do.

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