Sometimes just a smile on our face can help to make this world a ...

Sometimes just a smile on our face can help to make this world a better place.

Find a need and fill it.

I could make a difference.

Go on... make a difference.

I want to make a difference.

Heart is what makes a difference

I just hope to make a difference.

There is no time like the present.

I know my father can make a difference.

One person really can make a difference.

I will act as if I do make a difference.

I guess one person can make a difference.

Don't just make money, make a difference.

I'm glad if my work can make a difference.

If you care enough, you make a difference.

One person can and does make a difference.

How can art make a difference in the world?

Knowledge is the key to making a difference.

Make a difference. Live a life that matters.

See that your difference makes a difference.

A large heart can be filled with very little.

One person of integrity can make a difference.

Make a difference no matter what role you play

I am going to give from every corner of my soul.

Be sure that you make a difference in the world.

You need to feel that you're making a difference.

I love making a difference, and doing it quickly.

Never doubt that one person can make a difference.

You can only make a difference by being different.

There's always an opportunity to make a difference

I didn't come to stay. I came to make a difference.

Spend your energy on things that make a difference.

Let's not just make noise, let's make a difference.

The vicious count their years; virtuous, their acts.

We must be free inside to make a difference outside.

I am but a small pencil in the hand of a writing God

Information is a difference that makes a difference.

It makes a difference who the treasury secretary is.

It's very rewarding if I make a difference to a kid.

You cannot make a difference unless you're different.

The only way to make a difference is to acquire power.

Live today the way you want to be remembered tomorrow.

People have power to make a difference in their lives.

It's better to make a difference than to make a point.

Never feel too small or powerless to make a difference.

I don't want to make money; I want to make a difference.

I thought I could make a difference, so I ran for office.

Treat employees like they make a difference and they will

I want to be involved in a story that makes a difference.

I think everybody wants to make a difference in some way.

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