For me, I do better in Grand Slams. I like when there's more people watching.

I only feel better because people aren't being so abusive to me about my weight.

A few people have said my granddad looks like me, but I reckon he's far better looking.

Comfort is very important to me. I think people live better in big houses and in big clothes.

When people tell me I can't do something, that's what excites me. It makes me perform better.

'Bloody do-gooders' is my expression for people who are nicer than me, who are better than me.

After 'Amen' people started recognising me. It made me think that acting is better than direction.

I wrote lyrics that were intensely personal to me a few years ago. Maybe people know me better now.

I'm a cat whisperer. When I go to people's houses, their cats always like me better than the owners.

I prefer to be liberal and non-judgmental, which helps me reaching out to the people in a better way.

I know straight away if I can do better. It doesn't take people to criticise me for me to realise it.

Many African people are smarter than me - kids who could have been better. I have no claim for genius.

There are always a ton of different people to learn from and people that are pushing me to get better.

My adopted parents were able to pay for me to go to a private school. So I had it better than most people.

It is very helpful to me, in my job, for people to know me better. A lot of that is, it's a communication job.

People can come to me, and no matter how expert they are, I can virtually always see a way of doing something better.

I know I'm skilled - I know my background - and the people who are familiar with my credentials know better than to try me.

I couldn't shoot. When I went to play in Europe, I learned to shoot better. I could jump, so people would just back off of me.

All these people that want to make me out as part of Generation X had better watch out, or they're going to get X'd out themselves.

I see a lot of people judging me and my rookie season, but I'm not really worried about struggling. I know I'm only going to get better.

All I write about is what's happened to me and to people I know, and the better I know them, the more likely they are to be written about.

I don't think there's much point in putting me a deep, dark, heavy, emotional film because there are people who do it so much better than I do.

I've seen that so many people have made and uploaded videos with my song, 'Bubble Pop.' I was inspired because many of them were even better than me.

The disabled people that do sport, they don't think about what they don't have but try to get better with what they do have. That is the same for me.

I always wish I'd had more mentors, better mentors, wiser mentors, people who were proper professional working musicians to guide me as I was coming up.

It would be cool to be invisible, but I'm afraid of what people would say about me if they didn't know I was there. Some things are better left unknown.

I had the inability to ask for help when I needed it. People offered to help me, but I refused. They'd ask 'How are you?' and I'd answer, 'Better than you.'

I read '13 Reasons Why' in middle school, and the message of the book stuck with me: to treat people better because you never know what they're going through.

I think I play better when people say keep showing us what you've got, keep showing us. And whatever's going to get me to play at a high level is what I want to do.

I know that's definitely the way for me to run races - instead of trying to burn up at the front and blowing up, it's always better to be passing people at the end.

I'm not really a fan of people who think they're better than others. There's no reason to act that way. I couldn't even stand to yell at someone if they bumped right into me.

When he realized who he'd pulled over, the policeman shook his head in disbelief. He told me of all people I should know better. He gave me a real dressing down, but let me go.

The movie 'Scandal Makers' did so much better than I had thought. During that phase of my career, the people around me warned me that whatever goes up could always come back down.

A lot of people thought you couldn't be a top-level athlete as a vegan, but people like Mac Danzig and Jake Shields are proving that's wrong. And it's better for me as a performer.

I was always inspired by the people I was around, like the older people spitting in my area or in Northampton, but I just always wanted to be better than the people that was around me.

No one knows Anne's better side, and that's why most people can't stand me. Oh, I can be an amusing clown for an afternoon, but after that, everyone's had enough of me to last a month.

I don't like to camp. Early on, Mars is going to be camping. I think there are people far better suited to do that than me. But when the first Holiday Inn Express shows up, maybe I'll go.

People always ask me, 'Why do you only write about heartbreak?' I think I only write when I'm broken, so that's just what happens. It makes me feel better, but having some distance helps.

Aaron would be the most invested in wanting to get me better. It's not that other people can't mentor me, but to have an older brother in a spot like that, he'd always have been helpful to me.

So many people had been asking me to write an autobiography, or threatening to write my biography without any input from me, that I thought I'd better tell my story before other people told it for me.

My internship with Oberoi hotels and later working with the ITC group in Jaipur helped me get a better exposure; I got to meet expatriates and get acquainted with people from different parts of the country.

My low center of gravity allows me to defend takedowns a lot better than most people. It's very hard to get to my legs. It's going to be really hard to take me down. There are a lot of positives to being my size.

I'm not like other writers. I'm not hung up on using my own songs. In fact, my sister Bunny always tells me I sing other people's songs better than my own. She says I loosen up and give the songs a different feel.

Parodies came about because Mr. Ford was actually one of the better athletes of our presidents... but he continually had physical accidents... he was an easy target for me. The main idea was to get people laughing.

'Alarm' was about a boy that cheated on me, and when I found out, I wondered if I should give him another chance. I used to give a lot of chances to people hoping they would become better people, but this one didn't.

Don't let negativity affect your vision. A lot of people have said harsh things, but I don't let it affect me. If anything it gives me more enthusiasm and pushes me to do better in my career so I can prove them wrong.

To be honest, there are no problems between me and Messi. People have their own opinions about who they think is the better player. It is what it is, but there is no rivalry beyond games and what happens on the pitch.

I write better in Cape Breton... too many people around in Ontario. Down there I meet all sorts of non-human people, but they don't bother me, and I don't feel I have to apologize on behalf of my species quite so often.

I have a tendency to overempathize with people, which gets me into tricky situations. I can get sucked in and feel like I need to get involved, which is sometimes helpful and sometimes not. It's better to have more distance.

I suppose I'm led to do so by the fact of what happened to my contemporaries - people whom I've admired, people who I thought were ten times better than me when I was in my twenties and early thirties. I may have been right.

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