I never take anything personally when it doesn't concern me.

I never did anything about my stardom, it never meant anything to me.

It wouldn't kill me if I were never nominated or elected to anything.

Audiences could never relate to me as anything other than Tori Spelling.

My grandmother can never really teach me anything because she skips steps.

Anybody could say anything they want about me, and it literally never penetrates my skin.

I never thought for a second that anything I ever did was going to make someone cringe. That never occurred to me.

For me being the youngest, there was never ever anything that was an issue to cause rivalry between me and my sisters.

Anybody who knows me knows I would never read a comic book. And I certainly would never read anything written by Kevin Smith.

Am I overjoyed when somebody says, 'Oh, we're going to do another Jane Austen?' No - because there's never anything in it for me.

None of the editors I've worked with have ever asked me to pull my punches. They've never asked me to give them anything other than my own interpretation of events.

I've got a Facebook page, but I've never put anything on it. I've got a presence on all the social networks, in fact, but I've never once sent a message. I'm there because, otherwise, someone's going to pretend to be me.

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