Facebook is my life.

Facebook creeps me out.

I'd love a job at Facebook.

I avoid using Twitter and Facebook.

I've never gone on Facebook or MySpace.

Facebook is a platform inside a platform.

Facebook has conquered much of the world.

Well, c'mon, everyone is a Facebook addict!

I don't have a Facebook or Twitter account.

I remember when people called Facebook a fad.

MySpace is my wife... Facebook is my mistress.

Facebook and Instagram are spiritual brothers.

Facebook done a great job of monetizing social.

I got rid of Twitter, and I got rid of Facebook.

My kids were targeted on Facebook by protesters.

Facebook has never been shy about its ambitions.

I don't want no mail. Send me a Facebook message.

I think all this Facebook stuff should just stop!

I am present on Facebook but I am not that active.

I wouldn't be without Google, and I love Facebook.

I know I'm late, but I've finally joined Facebook!

I don't have anyone's number; I just Facebook them.

Facebook wasn't built out of a Harvard dorm window.

Facebook didn't know how successful Zynga would be.

Facebook is terrifying to the traditional games biz.

To criticize Facebook is to criticize the telephone.

I love Facebook. I could brush my teeth with Facebook.

I don't Tweet or Twat. I'm not on Instagram or Facebook.

I personally never got the gist of Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook is not your friend, it is a surveillance engine.

You know, search has never been a strong suit of Facebook.

Facebook can be an accumulation of different intelligences.

I have a Twitter account; I have a fantastic Facebook page.

Where the assets of Facebook were hype, we have real assets.

Facebook has a rule that you're not supposed to be anonymous.

I'm not on Twitter. I'm not on Facebook. I'm not on Instagram.

I was always the last one on Facebook, Instagram - everything.

I'm not on Facebook because I can't open the door to the past.

I read the Drudge Report! And wander around Facebook sometimes!

I have a Facebook page for me and my friends and a Twitter page.

I'm such a grandma. I don't tweet; I don't have a Facebook page.

We've only made three investments: Facebook, Groupon, and Zynga.

My goal was never to make Facebook cool. I am not a cool person.

I wouldn't know how to be on Facebook if my life depended on it.

People don't just stop playing Facebook games. They divorce them.

For the most part, I don't have a Facebook page; I don't Twitter.

Thanks to my fans for support on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

I'm not online. I'm not on Facebook much. I don't connect that way.

I've never had a MySpace or a Facebook page. I avoid that entirely.

For every Netflix, there's a Blockbuster. Every Facebook, a MySpace.

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