I literally hate working out.

People take songs so literally.

I literally grew up in the church.

A man is literally what he thinks.

Literally nobody bakes in my family.

I literally pass out when I see blood.

I literally cannot work without music.

I got shoes literally all over my house.

Literally wrote 'Starboy' in 30 minutes.

I have had anxiety literally my whole life.

I literally have Mickey Mouse tattooed on me.

I love to smell like roses, literally all day!

I literally think I look bad in every picture.

I've been singing, literally, since I was born.

Literally, my honeymoon was driving to Chicago.

I look at a streak as I don't lose - literally.

I literally was famous before I knew my own name.

Literally since I could walk... I was performing.

I've done literally 100, 150 different characters.

I'm literally tone-deaf with singing. It's unreal.

Rabid fans were literally jumping into the camera.

Literally, my job is I make socks. That's all I do.

I'm literally open to any medium that will have me.

He who fears is literally delivered to destruction.

I literally have a private jet on call at all times.

My success, literally, is your success figuratively.

I get nervous for everything - literally everything.

When it rains, it pours - figuratively and literally.

I will literally have a whole pot of coffee to myself.

Transformation literally means going beyond your form.

I literally fell among Quakers when I went up to Oxford.

There are literally as many ideas as there are organisms.

When I say 'Crush your enemy', I don't literally mean it.

It's very complicated to literally put your family on TV.

Katya is literally my flesh and blood. Best friend status.

I really do literally put myself into a character's shoes.

With classical ballet you are literally injuring yourself.

To save your own hair, wigs are literally the way forward.

Biohacking could literally change the world as we know it.

I would literally do anything for Richard Curtis. Anything.

I'm literally working out every single day as hard as I can.

I think about food literally all day every day. It's a thing.

The phrase 'teen hottie' literally makes me want to throw up.

Life literally abounds in comedy if you just look around you.

Swear you'd rather die than use 'literally' as an intensifier.

I will literally open my mouth not knowing what is coming out.

Literally everything good about this culture comes from mixing.

My mother did literally hitchhike barefoot to the country store.

The utter incompetence of the U.N. is literally incomprehensible.

The theme song of 'Doug' was my ringtone once for literally a year.

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