I was a big Damon Hill fan, and I loved Michael Schumacher.

I mean, Janet Jackson? She's like Michael Jackson with hair.

Who didn't want to dance like Michael Jackson? I know I did.

I want to do for rebounds what Michael Jordan did for dunks.

Being Michael Jordan means acting the same as I always have.

In the words of Michael Jackson: I'm a lover, not a fighter.

Yeah, my friends call me Mike, Michael or just my last name.

The first bit of vinyl I bought was Michael Jackson's 'Bad.'

The first time I met Michael, we saw each other on a TV show.

My name is Michael Pennington, and I am not a comic character.

Working with Michael Shannon and Taylor Kitsch was incredible.

I can't remember what Michael Praed looks like. I'm too young!

I've raised Michael. I changed his diapers when he was little.

People still look at Michael Jackson as being a Motown artist.

In Taiwan, I'd be like Michael Jordan walking down the street.

I think the NBA will certainly survive without Michael Jordan.

I nearly died twice after I replaced Michael Crawford in 'EFX.'

Michael Jordan is probably the greatest scorer to play the game.

I wish Michael Schumacher would come try NASCAR. That'd be cool.

Michael J. Fox was my idol. I always wanted to be Michael J. Fox.

Michael's great. He's everything you'd want Michael Keaton to be.

When Michael died I was tipped over the edge. I was beyond grief.

Michael Coleman, now that was a boy that taught me some stuff too.

Michael Winterbottom is one of the great directors of this century.

I'm looking forward to playing Michael Bluth many, many more times.

I want to be the Denzel of acting and the Michael Jackson of music.

There is nothing that will be bigger than a Michael Jordan tribute.

Michael Jackson believed in making music that made people feel good.

I don't know who's worse with little boys, Mario or Michael Jackson.

When I was really, really young, I was in love with Michael Jackson.

Once the film came out everyone wanted me, including George Michael.

I'm not a fan of the Michael Keaton 'Batman,' which came out in 1989.

Michael Jackson asked me to sign a Playboy. I was more than happy to.

Dave Herman as Michael Bolton is one of my favorite performances ever.

Michael Anthony is the Diplomat of Rock N Roll. He is the regular guy.

I grew up in Chicago, and I understand what Michael Jordan symbolizes.

Michael Phelps is a good friend of mine, so I'm very supportive of him.

And that Michael Irvin would care more about his wardrobe than I would?

I'm developing a little crush on Michael Fassbender. Really unoriginal.

I'm not trying to get five medals. I'm not trying to be Michael Phelps.

He will be beginning a brand new chapter in the Michael Jackson legend.

I liked Michael Jackson and used to practice his steps. I enjoy dancing!

You're never going to improve on a Michael Jackson song if you cover it.

When Michael Jordan quit, I suddenly found myself without a sports hero.

Michael Jordan always wore his Carolina shorts under his Bulls' uniform.

I have known Michael Richards for something like 20 years. We're friends.

It's terrible. How can we tell the world who the real Michael Jackson is?

It's really hard to find a lot of things that rhyme with Michael Diamond.

I don't want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.

I can like Michael Keaton's Batman, and I can like Christian Bale's Batman.

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