A sketch is just a mini movie.

A mini lint brush is always in my purse.

I have two mini dachshunds, Lola and Charlie.

When we were 17, I got my first car, a Mini Metro.

I'm always going to be known for Mini Me, and it's fine.

One of the most fun inventions of my lifetime is the Mini.

I have two mini huskies called Woody Guthrie and Edison Guthrie.

I think a lot of women have too many mini skirts in their closets.

I have cats, dogs, monkeys and ducks at home - it's like a mini zoo.

I'm just a totally selfish worker bee creating my little mini projects.

My first car was a 2011 Mini Cooper, because I only learned to drive in 2010.

Pairing a sequin mini skirt with a velvet long sleeved bodysuit can never go wrong!

I'm not keen on the Mini Me trend. In my opinion, kids' clothes should be kids' clothes.

Ideally if I settled down with a wife I would love to form my own troupe of mini dancers!

With a mini series you can give the story a proper sense of pacing, a proper sense of closure.

Mini dresses that have an over skirt of tulle makes it traditional and modern at the same time.

I certainly wouldn't want to be a Mini Me of any of the people whose footsteps I've followed in.

I look at the artists as mini media companies, like if Beyonce is ESPN and Lady Gaga is Discovery.

I'm not even close to where I want to be; it's just a little mini step on the way. This is only the beginning.

Jack has two boys, and when they grow up they're gonna wanna be like the D. I've already got the name: Mini D.

My first car was a Mini, a little red Mini. I cherished it and I stripped the seats out of it and 'boy-racered' it.

Obviously, I want to do well in the Champions Trophy, which is like a mini World Cup with all top teams participating.

They're such hierarchical things, film sets, they're sort of mini societies. Often they're incredibly political places.

I grew up in Hollywood in an apartment. Then in Tarzana, California, on a mini ranch where we owned horses and chickens.

My father always read obituaries to me out loud, not because he was maudlin or morbid, but because they were mini biographies.

Whether I'm in a sari or a mini skirt hardly matters as long as the role I do in a film is substantial and makes a difference.

Apple makes beautiful products. I own a Mac Pro, a Mac Book, a Mac Mini, an iPad, an iPhone, pretty much the entire collection.

I came to write after several mini careers. I did live theatre, managed a cosmetics store and was a local television personality.

I didn't know what to do with the fan mail. I had a little mini, and I used to put it at the back of my mini, and it grew and grew.

Sexiness today is not about having a perfect body and wearing a tight mini skirt; it's about what you don't show that's truly sexy.

I have the bigger iPad, but the Mini is the best. It just seems perfect. The old one seems so big and heavy. I like simple and clean.

When I was 13, my parents bought me a mini snooker set for my birthday. From the moment I first held a cue in my hands, I was transfixed.

When I am doing a role, I don't think that I am getting to wear a mini skirt or show my stomach. I am doing a role because I am an actor.

I always have mini bottles of Unbreakable, the fragrance I did with my husband. I'm Armenian, so I'm oily and always have blotting papers.

I enjoy wearing a saree more than a mini skirt and maybe that has come off as bad acting in some of my films, because I didn't fit in there.

Professionally, the first time I sang was on 'Alice Upside Down.' It was the first movie that I did, and I had this little mini singing part.

The most satisfying accomplishment for me was winning the British Open in 1996. But the most rewarding times were the times on the mini tours.

My cross earrings are a mini statement; I wear them every day! My whole dream is to be iconic, and the way you dress yourself is so important.

I'm really interested in independent publishers and memes and mini comics. But even before that, I was interested in Japanese manga and anime.

You never grow up thinking you'll have your own personal bobblehead. And then when you make it, it's like, 'Damn, here's a little mini statue.'

I love sashimi, mainly tuna sashimi. I will buy six pieces or so a day and just snack on them. Sometimes I wrap them up in my mini seaweed sheets.

The process of making an independent film is like building a mini Eiffel Tower with popsicle sticks - it doesn't happen overnight, and it's not easy.

As a teenager, I went to Bali a lot, but it's a long, long way from England. Which is why, when we bought Necker Island, we made it like a mini Bali.

I take a lot of satisfaction in trying to make my land as self-contained as possible, its own little mini environment. Minimal outputs; minimal inputs.

Brussels is sort of a mini London in the sense that if you think about putting a football pitch in London, people laugh at you. There is just no space.

I lust after iPods or Mini Coopers not because they're unique, but because they've been so artfully made that I couldn't imagine doing it better myself.

How cool it is to see a bride walking down the aisle with a beautiful long gown with beautiful layers of tulle and organza, unveiling their mini dress at the party?

There has been speculation through the years that Elvis has his eyes done or some other mystery procedure, but that mini facelift was the extent of his plastic surgery.

Mum and Dad died of heart problems, my grandparents died of it, my sister has had mini strokes, my brother has had a heart attack - it's genetic; there's nothing I can do.

If you invent the Mini Cooper, pour all your energy and passion into it and it gets made, you should be on a roll. In the film industry you have to start again the next day.

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